Bread Recipe Brewers Yeast

Who ever said 'man cannot live by bread alone' was surely mistaken. Cuz, yeah...I'm pretty sure I could live by bread alone. GOOD bread. Then again, I'm not a man. I'm a woman. Oh wait...that was somewhere in the bible, wasn't it? Hold the sermons. I'm just sayin'. I think it's the whole process, though. That gets me. From the initial kneading...where you can get in a groove and push and pull your frustrations away. To the satisfaction of seeing the dough rise and knowing the yeasties are happy. To the smell...oh, the smell...the magical, inviting scent of bread baking. Then there's the breaking of the bread. Sharing it with others. Ripping it off...chewing...savoring...pleasing your belly. Seeing the wonder spread across the face of those who see a loaf of freshly baked bread. Hearing the comfort of those who are well-fed. Rolled all into one...this satisfies me on a deeper level...satisfies my soul.

Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Stir in the beer with a wooden spoon. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead...adding a bit more flour as needed...for ~8 minutes. Bread should be pretty elastic...but will still be a bit tacky to the touch.


Place in lightly oiled bowl and cover with a clean dish towel. Let rise until doubled, usually a couple of hours. Punch it down and let it rise another time, until doubled. At this point, cover bowl with plastic and refrigerate overnight. The next day, take out and let it come back to room temperature and rise until doubled again.

Honey Beer Bread

Punch down dough again, then form into a loaf...any shape you desire...on a piece of parchment paper. Cover and let rise until doubled in size, ~1½ hours. Preheat oven to 450° F, with a stone on the middle rack during last ½ hour of rising. Slash the top of the loaf and sprinkle with a bit of flour, for a rustic look.

Slide the loaf (parchment and all) onto the baking stone. Throw two ice cubes* somewhere into the oven not on the bread itself, just onto the bottom and shut door. Five minutes into cooking, quickly throw a couple more ice cubes into the oven. Bake for ~25 minutes, or until loaf is golden and cooked through.

*The ice cubes will form steam which will condense on the dough...which is gonna give you a killer crust! Seriously...I impressed myself with this loaf.

Soft Golden Crust Beer Yeast Bread (abm) Recipe

It's good just ripped off and eaten slathered with a bit of homemade butter...or sliced for sammies...or eaten alongside a bowl of soup...or alongside a comforting plate of roasted meat & veg and used to sop up the juices. This is so simple...and the flavors that were developed by letting it rise and punching it down and repeating over the course of two days were so worth it. Deep, yeasty, beery, earthy...perfection.

Give me a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine, a hunk of cheese...and possibly some fruit or meat to go with it, and I'm a happy girl!Welcome to my experiment in baking with beer yeast you guys. Especially if you are a brewer, I can wholeheartedly recommend using dry brewing yeast for bread baking. You can also learn more about the function of yeast in general

Sometimes I get crazy ideas. Sometimes these ideas don’t work out. But a few weeks ago, I actually had a good crazy idea. I thought that it would be Fun to experiment with different strains of brewers’ yeast in my bread.

What Is Brewer's Yeast (and Why Should You Be Eating It)?

Granted, bakers’ yeast has been optimized for baking, so I guess it’s a fan of the particular sugars present in wheat flour.

But all yeasts eat sugars and expel carbon dioxide and alcohol. I figured that trying to bake with beer yeast might be a fun experiment.

The Beloved and I took a trip out to the local home brew store, American Brewmaster. I came home with a veritable Treasure Trove of goodies.

Home Made Sourdough Starter And Brewer's Yeast. How To Make Them, How To Use Them, Which

I bought three kinds of yeast, some Belgian candy sugar (which sat on the sidelines during this experiment–I kind of forgot about it), and some dry malt extract.

I was going to get the syrupy malt extract, but The Guy told me that it is Very Susceptible to bacterial infiltration and just to get the dried. I sullenly accepted his advice.

So, then, there they were. All my ingredients. Facing me. Day after day. Finally, after a couple of weeks, I broke down and decided that That Day was The Day. I decided to be kind of scientific-y about the whole thing.

Easy No Yeast Beer Bread

I used exactly the same ingredients in the same proportions for each dough. The only difference was the type of yeast I used.

I also labeled everything and gave all the dough the same amount of rise time both on the counter and in the fridge.

Incidentally, this is a fantastic wet-ish dough. The long, uber-slow rise helps to develop some really nice chew and flavor, even using all purpose flour.


Three Ingredient Beer Bread Recipe

Even if you’re not feeling Up to the whole brewers’ yeast thing, this recipe makes a great loaf that weighs about 1 1/2 pounds.

This recipe yields a chewy bread with a reasonably open crumb. If you are looking for a sandwich bread, try my Spent Grain Bread and use brewers’ yeast rather than bread yeast.

Here are some recommendations for brewer’s yeast and other products and ingredients you can use in baking bread to enhance flavor or switch up the flavor profile a bit. Not all your experiments will be perfect, but you’ll always learn something.

Brewer's Yeast When Breastfeeding: Does It Improve Milk Supply?

Some good yeasts to start with are SafAle Ale Yeast, the Nottingham yeast (the one that made the bread smell like oatmeal), and of course the lager yeast, that loves the cold anyway.

Consider picking up some malt powder or even some rock sugar for feeding the yeast. I also have added a link for a reliableinstant read thermometer, a high quality but reasonably priced kitchen scale, and a lamé for scoring bread.

I consider the thermometer and the scale to be essential kitchen tools, whether baking bread of not. And the lamé is certainly nice to have if you do a lot of bread baking.

Easy Beer Bread Rolls

NOTE: I made 4 separate loaves with 15 oz flour each to make it easier to blend the yeast into each loaf.

Seriously, use a scale for the most accurate results. 15 oz, or just shy of 1 pound, is about 3 1/2 cups of flour. But really, get a scale.


And 9 ounces of water. If you don’t have a scale or a liquid measure with accurate markings, use 1 cup (carefully filled to the top) plus 2 tablespoons of water. (Again, please buy a scale.)

Honey Beer Bread (no Yeast/quickbread Recipe)

Whisk together dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Turn on your mixer (fitted with the dough hook) to low speed and mix for three minutes.

**What follows is the rising schedule I used to bring out as much flavor as possible. If you don’t have the time, increase the yeast to 1-2 teaspoons and let it rise once until doubled.

Punch down, shape, let rise again and then bake. Let the last rise happen in a greased 1 pound loaf pan if you want a taller loaf. Since this dough is pretty loose, it tends to spread a bit.

Lactation Quick Bread

Since this dough is so slack and sticky, make sure to oil (or spray Pam on) your hands to keep it from sticking (to you or the counter) or to help you resist the urge to add more flour.

I had a reader message me to say their yeast wasn’t working. Then they sent a photo of a brewers yeast supplement they were trying to use.

Please note: the supplement version of brewers yeast will not work in this recipe or any other bread recipe, if you want to use it as the leavening agent.

Baking With Beer Yeast

This type of nutritional supplement is an inactive form of yeast. Otherwise, you’d have a tummy full of alcohol and would be burping carbon dioxide for who knows how long!


If you have any questions about this or any other recipe or post on the site, there are a few ways to get in touch.

If your question is more pressing, don’t hesitate to email me, and I should be back in touch within 4 hours (unless I’m asleep) or often much more quickly than that.

This Is A Bread I Made With Brewers Yeast To Demonstrate Sourdough Is Just A Levener.

This isthe kitchen scalethat I recommend for home cooks and bakers. Using a scale will help you be more accurate and consistent in your measurements.

Don't let its small price and small size fool you. The Escali Primo is an accurate and easy-to-use food scale that I have used for years. It's easy to store, easy to use, has a tare function, and easily switches between grams and ounces/pounds for accurate measurements.

It would really help me and other readers out if you’d rate the recipe using the star ratings in the recipe card.

Oat And Cinnamon Beer Bread (diy Oat Flour, No Yeast)

About the zip top bags--that was the easiest way for me to keep the loaves separate since I made 4 different ones. You can just use a bowl, covered, for rising if you're only making 1 loaf. In that case, be sure to spray or oil the