Gluten Free Dairy Free Sugar Free Banana Bread Recipe

Gluten free banana bread recipe – it’s my BEST EVER take on this absolute classic and you only need 6 ingredients to make it. Plus, it’s super duper easy to make it dairy free too.

Gluten free banana bread recipe, anyone? You only need 6 simple ingredients and you can add whatever you like to it and make it your own. I added chocolate chips in the photos but you can happily add a little cinnamon, or even fresh raspberries too!


Banana bread is one of those classics that everyone does differently – there’s no right or wrong way, but I feel like I’ve finally nailed it

Healthy Dairy Free Banana Bread Recipe (no Sugar Added, Plant Based)

I love a banana bread that’s insanely moist, packed with banana flavour and a little gooey compared to a regular loaf cake. Plus, it’s gotta be super easy to make without tons of weird ingredients.

And if that sounds good to you, then we might just have the same taste in banana bread (and you’ll probably love this recipe too). It only has 6 simple ingredients and best of all – you can customise it however you like.

In the photos, I’ve added chocolate chips, but you could also add 2 tsp of cinnamon for a little warming spice. It goes sooo well with banana! And I’ve seen some of you add fresh raspberries to it too. You really can mix it up however you like!

Gluten Free Chocolate Banana Bread (sugar Free, Lectin Free)

Obviously, ripe banana as a must here as they contain more natural sugars and you’ll get the best results. Once mine start getting those black ripening spots, my mind always turns to banana bread!

You can of course use bananas that are smack bang in the middle of being green and being ripe (so no signs of over-ripening yet). But you won’t get that intense banana flavour and also they’re still really hard to mash.

You can actually speed up the banana ripening process by placing them into a paper bag (or perforated plastic bag) and adding in a couple of ripe bananas or an apple. This the amount of ethylene gas circulating around the green fruit and makes them go ripe quicker.

Banana Bread (gluten Free Dairy Free)

Here’s some FAQs you’ll need to read to create the perfect gluten free banana bread. Keep scrolling down for the recipe, but read these first, they’re important! Can I make this recipe gluten free? Is it suitable for Coeliacs?

Bear in mind that minimising cross-contamination is hugely important if you’re Coeliac or making this for someone who is. Here’s some tips from Coeliac UK on minimising the risk of cross contamination.

Also, make sure that all ingredients used don’t have any gluten-containing ingredients. Then make that that they also don’t have a ‘may contain’ warning for gluten, wheat, rye, barley, oats (which aren’t gf), spelt and khorasan wheat (aka Kamut).

Easy Gluten Free Banana Bread

Of course you can! All you need to do is use dairy free spread instead of butter. Plus, if you’re adding chocolate chips, make sure they’re dairy free also.

Yep! If you follow the instructions above to make this cake dairy free, then all you’ve got left to contend with is the eggs.

So use one of those egg replacement options and you’ve got gluten free AND vegan cake! I haven’t tried all of these egg-replacement options with this cake, but if you do, please comment below with how it goes.

Healthy Banana Bread [vegan, Gluten Free, Oil Free, Refined Sugar Free]

Yep, this is a nut-free recipe. But of course, make sure you check the ingredients label on all the products you use to bake this cake.

Even if the products don’t contain nuts, they may have a ‘may contain nuts’ warning due to being produced in a factory that handles nuts.

You can only eat a third of a ripe banana (33g) so if you’re in the elimination phase of the diet, you can eat a little… but I mean a little. You can eat a lot more banana if it’s unripe, but unripe bananas just aren’t as good!

Banana Bread (gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Vegan)

Of course you can – and it’ll save you on elbow grease! I don’t use a standing mixer or food processor to make the cake mixture personally – I use an electric whisk. Just because I’m used to it!

Just make sure you keep scraping down the sides if you’re using an electric mixer so that all the mixture gets combined properly.


Certainly not! As I mentioned, a food processor, standing mixer or electric whisk will cut down on prep time, but they’re not mandatory.

Vegan Banana Bread (award Winning!)

In short… yes! And I wouldn’t advise attempting any my recipes without them. One of the worst things you can do in any baking recipe is alter the quantities by mistake or on purpose.

Why? Well, you’re sort of just gambling with the recipe and praying that it turns out ok. And I’ve generally already done the hard work there for you!

A lot of work went into fine tuning ratios and quantities so I wouldn’t mess around with them unless you really know your stuff.

Gluten Free Banana Nut Bread

Ingredient in gluten free baking. Without gluten to bind the bake together, you can be left with a much looser texture which can be crumbly and easily fall apart.

However, there’s actually no xanthan gum in this recipe! The banana and eggs in this recipe really help to bind everything together, so it’s not necessary to add any here.

There’s a big difference between ‘gluten free plain/self-raising flour’ and a *singular* type of gluten free flour. When I say ‘gluten free plain or self-raising flour’ in a recipe, I mean a BLEND of gluten free flours, not just one, singular flour.

The Best Vegan And Gluten Free Banana Bread

Most gluten free flour you buy in the supermarket typically contains a blend of rice flour, potato flour, maize flour, tapioca flour AND buckwheat flour. That’s a lot of different flours!

So to replace it with just one specific type of flour… that’s not going to cut it at all. Definitely go for a gluten free flour


Yes, there’s lots of natural sugar in banana, but the extra brown sugar helps to cake to develop a nice, even crust instead of coming out like pudding.

Bowl Vegan Gluten Free Banana Bread

I’ve kept this cake for up to 7 days in an air-tight container. We usually eat it well before then to be honest!!

Of course! I’ve frozen it for up to a month and after allowing it to full thaw, you’d never know it was frozen.

Just make sure that you slice it up before freezing though – possibly even separating them out into separate bags. That way, you don’t need to defrost the entire cake and waste any.

Easy Healthy Sugar Free Banana Bread Recipe

Of course! Just hit the print button located on the recipe below (otherwise you might end up printing this entire post which would probably make your printer go into early retirement)

Ok, so here’s my gluten free chocolate banana bread recipe. Please leave a 5 star rating if it turned out well as it helps encourage others to give it a try!

Thanks for reading how to make my gluten free banana bread recipe! If you make it, I’d love to see how it turned out so don’t forget to take a snap of your creation and tag me on Instagram!Try something a little different with this cinnamon swirl gluten free banana bread. See how well bananas and cinnamon pair in this easy gf banana bread recipe.

Gluten Free Sugar Free Banana Bread To Die For!

This cinnamon swirl gluten free banana bread is naturally dairy free—and it's incredibly moist and tender. The cinnamon-sugar just seals the deal. It's going to become your new favorite way to save those dying bananas!

My one bowl gluten free banana bread recipe is easily one of my favorite recipes in the history of ever. Whenever we talk about it on Facebook, so many of you say (sometimes as a sort of confession, but there's no shame needed here!) that you make that banana bread once a week—at least!


We eat a lot of bananas in my house. Well, with 3 teenagers, we eat a lot of everything in my house!

Maple Rye Banana Bread (refined Sugar Free, Gluten And Dairy Free Optional)

But about a year ago, I finally got a little hook that sticks on to the underside of a kitchen cabinet to hold bananas, so they don't ripen unevenly. It even folds up and out of sight when it's not in use.

I don't care for those enormous “banana trees.” I can't dedicate that sort of counter real estate to one fruit. But this hook is awesome. And my ripening bananas are always front and center!

Many of you have said that you add chocolate chips to your banana bread. Well, of course that's genius. Chocolate and bananas are a match made in heaven, and I'm only ashamed that I never thought to try that myself.

The Best Gluten Free Banana Bread

Another match made in heaven is cinnamon-sugar and bananas. The cinnamon swirl flavors every bite, but of course is concentrated on the top and toward the center, as that's where we put the swirl mixture.

Every single crumb of the banana bread itself is fork-squish tender (that's a thing, right?), but the swirl itself is just on another level entirely. But somehow it doesn't make the slices delicate or prone to falling apart.

There are so many textures in this banana bread, which come together to make it feel extra special: the soft and springy cake texture with

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free Banana Bread