Vegan Microwave Bread Recipe

Individual 3-ingredient keto vegan almond bread ! Made in a muffin tin, it is grain-free, gluten-free and oil-free. Ready in under 30 minutes, start to finish.

Hi all! I have been working on a simple, versatile bread that I hope you will enjoy. I know that I am loving it. It is a breeze to prepare and has a soft tender texture, perfect for toasting and making mini sandwiches.


Traditional bread recipes have a minimal number of ingredients. Very often it is little more than flour, yeast and water. Shouldn’t grain-free breads be just as simple? That was my inspiration for this recipe. The bread is:

Easy Vegan Microwave Meal Ideas

The ingredients? Almond meal (or almond flour), baking powder and psyllium husk (plus water and optional salt). I’ll get to the almond meal in a moment. First, the psyllium husk.

The seeds of the plantago plant are covered with an outer layer, or “husk, ” that is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. The husk is called mucilage, and, when mixed with liquid, forms a gel that can be used as an egg replacement in some baking recipes! Pretty nifty!

I have used psyllium husk in quite a few recipes here on (use the search bar, type in “psyllium”). It turned out to be exactly what this bread needs to work. If you are new to using psyllium husk, it looks like this:

Gluten Free Vegan Bread

The measurements are slightly different by brand, but in general 1 tablespoon of whole psyllium husks is 5 grams and 1 tablespoon of psyllium husk powder is 9 grams. This recipe calls for 2 teaspoons psyllium husk; you can use 1 and 1/4 teaspoons psyllium powder instead.

Psyllium lends essential structure that the protein in gluten or eggs provides in traditional bread recipes. It is quite different from any other egg replacement, so I cannot recommend any subs for it in this recipe.

Water to accelerate the gelling. Here’s what it looks like when gelled with a ratio of 2/3 cup water to 2 teaspoons whole psyllium husks:

Rice Flour Bread Recipe

This bread works with either almond meal or almond flour. I used almond meal in the breads photographed here (hence the flecks of brown in the bread).

Determining the difference between almond meal and almond flour can be confusing, as sometimes almond meal is labeled as almond flour, or (even more confusing) “almond flour/meal.”

But there is no need to fret, as your eyes will tell you everything you need to know: almond meal is made with almonds that still have their skins, resulting in a brown-flecked, slightly coarser product than finely ground almond flour (which is made from blanched almonds; i.e., no skins).


Vegan White Sandwich Bread Recipe

To ensure that this bread is 100% grain-free, use a baking powder that uses tapioca starch or arrowroot instead of cornstarch. Other than that, baking powder needs no further explanation. So let’s get baking!

First up, make the aforementioned psyllium gel by mixing the psyllium husks with cold water. Give it the full amount of time to thicken.

Next, combine the psyllium mixture with the almond meal / almond flour and baking powder. 10 seconds later, you have dough. Specifically, a dough that is light and springy in texture and easy to handle.

Microwaveable Vegan Mug Cakes: From Funfetti To Red Velvet

Divide the dough into nine even portions, shaping each portion into a patty. Place each patty in the greased/sprayed well of a standard-size muffin tin.

Once fully baked, the bread centers should have no more than the slightest indentation, if any, and should be firm to the touch.


These breads will only work when made in a muffin tin, but rest assured, I am working on larger loaf options! I just ordered umpteen more bags of almond meal for testing. Until then, enjoy the minis, and happy baking!

Keto Muffin In A Mug (microwave Recipe)

The recipe states that you can use either almond flour or almond meal and yet in the notes it states as a tip that almond flour will not work. Please clarify. Thanks

Corrected, apologies AJ. I have retested in the years since the original recipe. It works with either. I forgot to eliminate that note. Thank you for catching it.

Hi, I make baking powder using baking soda and cream of tarter, will that work in this recipe? Should i adjust the amount of powder?

Second Keto Bread In A Mug Recipe

Hi Clara, Your homemade baking powder (baking soda and cream of tartar) should work fine in this recipe. Use the same amount as indicated in the recipe :)


You have inconsistent information in this recipe. The article says the recipe amount for psyllium husk translates to 1 1/4 tsp yet the ingredient list says 1 1/2 tsp of psyllium husk powder While you explain the difference between almond meal and almond flour the recipe ingredient list includes both as if you can use either or. In the notes it stresses not to use almond flour yet the ingredients list includes it I just wanted you to know since it really seems you worked very hard to write about all of this and share what seems like a very nice roll.

OH MY GOD. I am beyond thrilled to have found this recipe. I had almost given up on baking all together—many almond flour recipes I've tried call for eggs and end often end up too dense, caloric or 'fake' tasting.

Vegan Monkey Bread Mug Cakes (gluten Free)

I used 1 C almond flour, the directed amount of psyllium husk powder, salt and baking soda, and I added maybe 1/8 C splenda, and some lemon zest and dried lavender I had on hand. I lightly sprayed the muffin tin with olive oil and baked at 400-degrees for 35 minutes. Topped with 1TB or so with raspberry-rhubarb jam and enjoyed 3 without feeling completely weighed down.

Alison!!!! Your additions sound incredibly delicious!!! YUM! Thrilled that you love the recipe, and I love that you made it your own right from the start.

Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I made it and it was so good. I want to make it again, but this time, adding something to give it a little more flavor. Maybe a light sweetener, cinnamon, vanilla extract, etc. What would you recommend?


Vegan Garlic Bread

Hi Nancy! So happy to hear that this was a sucess! Yes, you can do any and all of the flavors you mention. Another upside of a vegan grain-free bread like this is you can taste it, raw, before baking, so that the flavoring s can be adjust. would start with 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 to 2 teaspoons cinnamon (depending on your preferences) and perhaps 2 to 3 tablespoons sweetener, such as coconut sugar. I think any sweet spice could be added (love cardamom, too), and a little bit of almond extract (about 1/4 teaspoon, up to 1/2 teaspoon) with spices and some sweetness should be heavenly.