Homemade Gluten Free Vegan Bread Recipe

A couple of years ago, I posted a Soft Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Recipe that still getsa lot of attention. I hear from hundreds of people every month who love it & at least as many begging me to create a Vegan (egg free) version of it. It wasn’t until we discovered my son was

So, I experimented withChia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Psyllium Husks, Applesauce, Bananas, Egg Replacers, and severalcombinations of Baking Powders & Acids… But nothing I tried could truly duplicate a good loaf of bread. Discouraged, I set the idea aside for a while and stuck to making gluten free flatbreads & hot dog buns– Until Recently…


Remember my post a couple months ago about Aquafaba (aka Garbanzo Bean Brine) being used in place of eggs to make Meringue?? Well, I couldn’t shake the idea that I could use this somehow for bread, so I tried, and tweaked, and tried again… and itworked beautifully! I’ve madeat least 20 batches with this recipe and it turns out soft & delicious every single time. So, now its time to share it with you! =)

Gluten Free Vegan Bread Recipe Bread Machine

Aside from the added step of whipping the chickpea liquid to stiff peaks, this recipe is verysimilar to my other Gluten Free Bread Recipewith a couple of importanttweaks… it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. I can’t say at this point how your substitutions will work.

While your yeast is proofing, combine your Chickpea/Garbanzo Brine with Cream of Tartar & whisk in stand mixer bowl on high.Mix on high until stiff peaks form (approximately 4-5 minutes when using a stand mixer). Set this aside for use later.

Whisk all of your dry ingredients together and add to your stand mixer bowl with the fully proofed yeast. (Don’t add the Garbanzo Brine Whip yet.)

Gluten Free Vegan Bread Recipes (sweet Version)

Turn mixer back on and mix at low speed until mixture is well incorporated (maybe 20 seconds or so) – But, do not over mix!

Pour bread mixture into your prepared loaf pan. See how the mixture is thick, but loose. It’s more like cake batter – it will be nothing like regular bread dough.

Smooth top of loaf and cover with plastic wrap. I place mine on my stovetopwhile the oven ispre-heating to 375 Degrees Fahrenheit.

Vegan Gluten Free Yeast Free Bread Recipe

In my warm tropical climate, the loaf fully proofs in approx. 20-25 minutes. But whatever you do, please do not overproof your loaf – it will fall after baking. I just proof it until it almost touches the plastic wrap… Take note, that this will be the finished size of the loaf after it bakes – even if it rises in the oven.

After 40 minutes in the oven… See how it’s back down to the size it was when you placed it in the oven after proofing?

Once Ipull it out of the oven, I like to cool the loaf on it’s side to avoid steam moisture making the bottom dense. It may be just me, but I think it cools faster this way too! =)


The Best Homemade Gluten Free Vegan Bread

Let the loaf cool completelybefore slicing –Seriously, you will ruin the loaf if you don’t wait – I know this because I’ve been impatient many times – oopsie! ;) Check out those beautiful slices!

This site does incorporate paid advertising and affiliate links.  Erika is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.comEUREKA! A soft loaf of bread that is not only gluten free but ALSO vegan. Typically, gluten-free bread recipes need eggs and dairy, but not this one. This bead is tender, tastes delicious and isn’t hard for those who aren’t used to making homemade bread (IE: no kneading!). Make yourself a delicious sandwich or piece of toast with this best gluten free vegan bread. I answer all of your questions below to make sure it turns out beautifully below. This allergy-friendly bread recipe is also top-8-free!

For years, readers used to ask me if I had a homemade bread recipe and I’d respond that it was easier to just buy one, than use up a ton of expense ingredients and time. But, after REALLY missing the smell of bread baking, and getting to enjoy hot-out-of-the-oven bread, I knew I had to find a solution. I needed a recipe that could work for sandwich bread, as well as just a delicious slice with your soup. I needed it to be an easy recipe, I needed it to not rely on a bread machine, be expensive or have too many crazy ingredients. It also only takes a first rise–no second rise! I have finally done it, and even though I don’t have any food allergies (just my boys) I look forward to this loaf just as much as they do!

Millet Sandwich Bread {vegan, Gluten Free, No Yeast}| Powerhungry®

Anyone who has done any sort of gluten-free baking knows that what type of gluten-free flours you use (and there are TONS!) makes all the difference in the world. The gluten free all purpose baking mix byKing Arthur is the one that will yield the best results. I would not recommend any other blend. Usually, with things like cookies and muffins I’ll feel like you can get away with most “all purpose” flour blends, but not in the case of bread. I have heard that King Arthur’s gluten free all purpose flour(not the

Should turn out fine, in case you’re in a pinch. If you try it with another blend, please let me know by leaving a comment at the very bottom.


This is not sponsored, but thought I’d list out exactly what’s in the gluten-free flour blend, so you can make sure it works for your diet. Their website says it includes:

Gluten Free Vegan Everyday Bread

I would NOT recommend this bread with any other different flours, no matter how tempting, like: oat flour, buckwheat flour, Bob’s Red Mill, almond flour and the like.

This gluten-free bread recipe does not have any dairy or eggs. My son has severe allergies to both. A vegan diet does not allow for use of either of those ingredients either as they are animal products and vegans use no animal products. You’ll notice all of my hundreds of recipes are all free of: gluten, dairy and eggs due to allergies, but we do use meat sometimes, as we’re not strict vegans. If you need strictly vegan recipes, all of my baking recipes should work for you.

Yes, it is very allergy friendly! This white loaf of bread is free of the top 8 allergens: wheat, gluten, dairy, egg, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

Vegan Gluten Free Bread

No, you will not need to add xanthan gum. The flour that I recommend (above) for this recipe includes it in the pre-made flour mix.


Yes! The flour is a certified gluten-free flour blend, and everything else: yeast, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, salt, water, aquafaba, maple syrup and vegetable oil should all be naturally gluten free. I don’t recommend anything specific for brands, other than the yeast and flour, as I find the rest are typically all naturally gluten-free products. Always read every label, to make sure whatever brands you’ve purchased don’t have anything hiding in them. Stranger things have happened! If ever in doubt, call the company directly Most labels have the companies phone number printed on the back.

No. I would not recommend it. I like that aquafaba has some elasticity to it, which I think helps give the bread movement and flexibility. I would not recommend powdered egg substitutes, or other things like chia seeds. In a pinch, I might try flax seeds, but that’s just a guess. I tend to stick with what works, but understand some people have an allergy to legumes. I’m sorry! There’s so many recipes that don’t work for my family’s allergies, and so I just have to experiment and you may have to do the same. It’s impossible to try out every iteration for every type of allergy out there.

Easy Gluten Free & Vegan Bread (bread Machine Recipe)

The original recipe called for a bread pan that’s 9×4 or 9×5. I only had a 8.5 Caphalon bread pan, and feel it is actually just right.I have had some readers (who probably live in warmer/more humid places) comment that by using a smaller 8.5 pan, their bread rose over the top. Mine has never done this. But, it is just a good warning to always go by your eyes and nose, and not follow rising and cook times exactly. If the bread has risen to the top of your pan, it’s time to stop proofing it.

It should still turn out if you don’t use psyllium husk powder, but the texture and structure will be better if you include this. I find mine in the bulk section of health food stores, and I’m sorry, it doesn’t say what brand. Or, you can buy some on Amazon.

This bread is best eaten fresh (once it’s cooled.) Otherwise, you can keep it room temperature, in an air tight container for a day. After that, I would keep it in an air tight container in the fridge. I eat it room temperature, soft and plain for about


Easy Gluten Free Bread {dairy Free}