Fry Bread Recipe For Indian Tacos

Indian Tacos (also called Navajo or Native American Tacos) are a delicious treat we have always enjoyed at the Oklahoma State Fair!

Make these delectable Indian Tacos at home with just a few simple ingredients and enjoy them anytime! What sets these apart is the amazing Indian Fry Bread which makes the base for these tacos.


Indian Tacos and I go way back. I probably first tried one as soon as my mom was able to feed it to me. The only drawback was that I never had it more than once a year at the State Fair! Probably one of the bigger draws of going to the Fair is enjoying all the “once a year” foods they have. Corn Dogs, Candy Apples and Indian Tacos were always among my favorites.

Navajo Tacos (indian Fry Bread)

I realize that many State Fairs don’t have the Indian Tacos. If you have never tried one then I would compare it to the best Taco Salad in a shell you have ever tried, but a lot more bread to it!

The Fry Bread is what really sets this hearty meal apart. Indian Fry bread (also called Navajo or Native American Fry Bread) is just a simple bread mixture with leavening and milk that is flattened out and fried. It puffs up and makes a delicious bed for all the yummy toppings.

This recipe makes around 4-5 fry breads depending on the size of the Indian Taco you are making. State fair sized Indian Tacos would be more like 1-2 of these, but I am assuming you want a smaller sized portion. When we have one at the State Fair we often split it between 4-5 people because it is so HUGE!


Indian Tacos With Fry Bread Bannocks

The great thing about making this myself is that I avoid the lines, the price of the fair and the crazy price for just one taco! Although, to be fair, it’s probably the most reasonably priced item there based on size. I love the Fair and I will continue to buy them there, but now I have this recipe to enjoy these any time!

Mmm. Just looking at an Indian Taco makes my stomach growl. They are so good and I’m glad I get to make them at home now!


If making a large batch of these for a gathering ahead of time: Fry them and then place on a baking sheet. Set your oven to 200° F or the lowest setting. Place the baking sheet in the oven until you're ready to serve them (up to 2 hours).

Indian Fry Bread Tacos (& Video!)

What is the best oil to use I’m going to make this for my grandsons birthday party I want them to come out fluffy and good


Thank you so much for posting. Also for mentioning us here at Dans Indian Tacos! This will be year 45 at the Oklahoma State Fair for us.

I tried this last night ! It was good, but I could have fried it a bit longer in the oil 🪔 oops 😬


Indian Tacos Deluxe Recipe

What is the best oil to use I’m going to make this for my grandsons birthday party I want them to come out fluffy and good


Thank you so much for posting. Also for mentioning us here at Dans Indian Tacos! This will be year 45 at the Oklahoma State Fair for us.

I tried this last night ! It was good, but I could have fried it a bit longer in the oil 🪔 oops 😬


Indian Tacos Deluxe Recipe