Semolina Sourdough Bread Recipe

Delicious nutty semolina sourdough bread made with golden semolina and both black and white sesame seeds.Goes well as toast with butter or jam

Semolina is one of the most common ingredients you can find in Indian kitchen. Yes, we make breakfast with it. Earlier I have tried bread with Semolina too. But I didn’t try it in a sourdough bread. Finally, I decide to make semolina sourdough bread. I love the nutty bites semolina gives to bread along with sesame seeds.


Semolina/ravais the coarse, purifiedwheat middling’sofdurum wheat . It is used to make various dish, Indian breakfast dishes like upma, rava dosa, rava idli; sweet dishes such as sheera ,Mango Kesariand payasam and pasta and Arabic sweet dishes. In US semolina is used as cream of wheat. Semolina made fromdurumwheat is pale yellow in color. Yellow color semolina is used in pasta and bread. While white version is used Indian dishes and Arabic sweet. You can get coarse, fine forms too.

Best 100% Semolina Sandwich Bread Loaf

Semolinais high in protein with almost 6 grams per serving! It is also rich in B vitamins, including folate and thiamine, which helps create energy and support brain function. Selenium is another benefit tosemolina, that serves as an antioxidant to help prevent heart disease! However, if you are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease semolina is not good. Also, for persons with wheat allergy semolina is harmful.

Sourdough bread is made with naturally leavened microorganisms. The traditional sourdough fermentation relies on wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria that are naturally present in flour to leaven the bread. Wild yeast is more resistant to acidic conditions than baker's yeast. When they work together with lactic acid-producing bacteria, they help the dough rise.

Although sourdough bread is often made from the same flour as other types of bread, the fermentation process improves its nutrition profile. Sourdough bread contains higher levels of folate and antioxidants than other breads. Also, its lower phytate levels allow your body to absorb the nutrients it contains more easily. Sourdough bread is often easier to digest than bread that's fermented with brewer's yeast.

Semolina Sourdough Boule

Sourdough fermentation produces changes in the bread that may allow for better blood sugar control and improved insulin sensitivity. Best part is the sourdough bread can be made from virtually any type of flour including whole grain.

Once you have well fed active starter in hand, making sourdough bread is easy. Day before you plan to bake just feed the starter. Then next morning you can add it to flour and let put microbes in duty. After good 6 hours and overnight refrigeration your dough is ready to bake.

I have used the recipe from Artisan bread made simple by Emilia Raffia. This recipe doesn’t have leaven and semolina is heavier than normal flour so doesn’t expect too much open crumb. Crust has a nutty cover of sesame seed. I used both black and white sesame seeds.

Semolina Sourdough Bread

Make sure to maintain the starter by feeding them regularly. If you are not using them for few days refrigerate the starter and let feed twice or thrice before baking bread.

Also use chlorine free water, as chlorine is not friend of sourdough. In case your tap water is chlorinated then use bottle water.

If your starter becomes colorful (green, black, yellow) and changes its fruity smell means it is gone bad. Start a fresh one.


Semolina Bread Tartine Bread Recipe

Make sure to maintain the starter by feeding them regularly. If you are not using them for few days refrigerate the starter and let feed twice of thrice before baking bread.

Calories: 219 kcal | Carbohydrates: 35 g | Protein: 7 g | Fat: 6 g | Saturated Fat: 1 g | Sodium: 294 mg | Potassium: 108 mg | Fiber: 3 g | Sugar: 1 g | Calcium: 105 mg | Iron: 3 mg

This is Swathi ( Dr. Ambujom Saraswathy Ph.D) from Zesty South Indian Kitchen who loves to explore cuisines from all over the world. Whenever possible I try to to give an Indian touch to several of the world cuisine, and has weakness for freshly baked bread. All the recipes you see here are created by me and approved after taste-test by my family.Pane Siciliano is a traditional bread from Sicily made with durum wheat (semolina), sometimes a little olive oil (as I do in this recipe), and even sweeteners such as honey or barley malt syrup. The flavor is nutty, sweet, and with a buttery mouthfeel, thanks to the olive oil. The sesame seeds densely coating the exterior bring a peanut butter-like flavor and nuttiness that I find irresistible.

Platinum Instant Sourdough Semolina Bread

I was nervous when I started testing this pane Siciliano bread recipe. I’ve baked often with durum wheat, but I usually mix it with modern wheat to get the best of both worlds: a golden crumb and crust from the durum, as well as loft and openness from modern wheat. But instead of following the same path, I decided to go all-in and make a traditional Sicilian-style bread using 100% durum.

The resulting bread is a little different than what you usually see here at The Perfect Loaf. It doesn’t have a dramatic single slash across the top (like my best sourdough recipe), deep mahogany colors, and, most noticeably, an airy interior (the crumb is very tight)r. But the good news is, the loaf is everything I had hoped it would be and more.


When heavily toasted, slices of this bread take on a new dimension. The flavor of the sesame seeds is amplified, the crust turns wonderfully brittle, and the crumb shifts from golden to straight-up resplendent. This is the same reason I use durum flour in my pizza dough: the crispness and crunch that develop when exposed to high heat are delectable.

Soft Semolina Sourdough

This pane Siciliano is made with 100% durum wheat semolina. For the best results, be sure to use durum that’s labeled “extra fancy” or “semolina rimacinata” (which means twice-milled semolina). This durum wheat is milled incredibly fine and performs the best in bread doughs.

If you have semolina (typically used for pasta), which is coarsely milled durum wheat, feel free to try the recipe and experiment. Note that the dough will likely be stickier, resulting in a loaf with a more closed crumb, but the flavor and texture in the final bread will still be fantastic.

This pane Siciliano is made over two days for increased flavor and a convenient baking schedule for baking at home. However, it’s possible to make this bread all in a single day—direct method—by allowing the dough to proof on the counter, shaped and covered, until the dough is puffy, relaxed, and passes the dough poke test.

Semolina Sourdough Bread On

Mix the ingredients in the chart above in your favorite jar and leave them covered at a warm temperature, 74-76°F (23-24°C), to ripen overnight. This is a stiff levain; if it is exceedingly hard to knead the ingredients together, use a little more water to make incorporation easier.


I use the autolyse technique for this recipe to help reduce the total mixing time required, but I also find it helps aid in the dough’s extensibility when using durum flour.

Warm or cool the autolyse water so that the temperature of the mixed dough meets the final dough temperature (FDT) of 78°F (25°C) for this recipe. Place the flour and water 1 in a large bowl. Use wet hands to mix until no dry bits remain; the dough will be shaggy and loose. Use a bowl scraper to scrape down the sides of the bowl to keep all the dough in one area at the bottom. Cover the bowl and place it near your levain for 1 hour.

Sourdough Semolina Focaccia With Mixed Olives

Add the salt and levain to the top of the dough in autolyse and use a splash of water 2 to moisten. With wet hands, mix thoroughly. Durum tends to feel incredibly sticky when mixing. Use wet hands or a dough whisk to help make mixing easier. Add the remaining water if the dough feels like it can handle it.

Next, knead the dough for a few minutes using either the slap and fold technique or folds in the bowl. For this dough, I kneaded for about 5 minutes until the dough smoothed and became elastic. Transfer the dough back into the bowl.

Spread the olive oil over the top and pinch it into the dough. Mix the oil into the dough by folding it up and over for 3 to 4 minutes. Once the oil is thoroughly mixed into the dough, transfer the dough to a bulk fermentation container and cover.


Artisan Dutch Oven Semolina Bread

This dough will require 2 sets of stretches and folds during bulk fermentation. After the first 30 minutes, wet your hands, grab the side of the dough farthest from you, and stretch it over to the other side. Rotate the bowl 180 degrees and repeat. Then rotate the bowl a quarter turn and stretch and fold that side. Rotate the bowl 180 degrees again and finish with a stretch and fold on the last side. The dough should be neatly folded up in the bowl. Cover and repeat these folds every 30 minutes for 2 sets of stretches