Sourdough Whole Wheat Bread Recipe No Yeast

Sneak Preview: Make Sourdough Bread with No Yeast using the DOUGH cycle on your bread machine. This simple sourdough bread contains four ingredients: starter, water, flour, and salt. The result will be a delicious and beautiful loaf with an open texture and 70% hydration.

Have you ever wondered if you could make sourdough bread without commercial yeast in your bread machine? What if you could use the DOUGH cycle to accomplish the mixing and kneading phases instead of using your hands?


All you have to do is the fun part–a few stretch-and-folds, shaping, and baking in a conventional oven. (I forgot to mention the waiting–it’s an important part of the process.) Your reward is a superior crust with lots of blisters, a light and airy texture, and evenly distributed holes inside.

No Knead Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread

Every naturally leavened sourdough loaf is slightly different. Putting the whole process on a timer would be almost impossible. Besides, a bread machine oven doesn’t get hot enough to produce a good oven spring or the crisp and crackly crust many people like and expect with this kind of sourdough bread.

The few bread machine sourdough recipes I’ve seen online are not the simple and traditional recipes. Instead, they call for extra ingredients such as sugar or butter; more often than not, a small amount of instant yeast is thrown in for good measure. That is a loaf of hybrid sourdough bread, as seen here. Excellent, but not the same!

Some might say, “There is a sourdough setting on my bread maker. Why can’t I use that?” That setting may refer to making a sourdough starter. The machine will keep a starter at the perfect temperature when it’s getting started. If your bread machine manual says you can make a loaf of sourdough, the recipe will probably contain some instant yeast in addition to the starter.

Simple Multigrain Bread With Sourdough Discard

To get the best sourdough bread, the gluten in the dough needs strengthening so your loaf will rise high and round instead of looking like a frisbee. This involves manipulation with your hands, often called “stretch-and pulls.” A bread machine cannot do this.

It doesn’t take long, and it’s not hard. Only three to four stretch-and-pull sessions are needed, generally speaking. I’ll show you how below, or watch the video.

The other drawback is that every sourdough loaf needs a different rise time. It’s impossible to predict exactly how long any particular loaf will take. It needs a human brain to judge that.

Cracked Wheat Bread (bulgur Wheat Bread)

Add starter and water to the bread machine pan. Set the empty bread machine on a digital scale (paid link) to measure everything. Using cold water during warm weather helps to keep the dough from getting too hot and sticky.

Open the bread machine and transfer the dough from the pan to a damp surface. Expect the dough to be slack and sticky. The kneading developed the gluten, but now it needs some exercise to strengthen the gluten.

Execute the first “stretch and fold” technique on the dough: If the dough sticks to your fingers, wet them in a bowl of water. (See the video.)

Easy Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread Recipe

How to do a “Stretch and Fold”: Grab one side of the dough with both hands or use one hand and a bench scraper and pull or stretch the dough upward without tearing the dough. Fold over two-thirds of the way toward the opposite side. Proceed to the next side and pull, stretch, and fold. Work your way around the ball, pulling and stretching, then folding over until you have done all four sides two times around. Cover the dough and let it rest on the work surface for 15-30 minutes.

Repeat the process described above two more times with another 15-30-minute rest period after the second. In summary, do at least three “stretch and folds” with 15-30 minutes between them. After the third “stretch and fold, ” the dough should be smooth and only slightly sticky.

Round the dough with your slightly wet hands and place it into an oiled container with the smooth side up. Cover and place the dough aside in a warm place to rise.

Quick And Easy Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread Recipe

Hours later: The dough is ready when light, airy, and approaching but not yet double the original size. You should see several large bubbles on top (like the picture above) and smaller bubbles all over the bottom. The dough should jiggle like jello when it’s ready.


Warning: You won’t see much happening for the first hour or two. The rise starts slowly, but once it gets going, it can grow fast. Most of the bubbles appear toward the end of the bulk rise. Depending on the ambient temperature, the process could take as long as 4-7 or more hours.

Pay no attention to the time–only look at the dough. Getting this right is one of the hardest things about making sourdough bread with no yeast.

Brown/whole Gluten Free Sourdough Bread

If the bread doesn’t rise long enough during the bulk rise, it may turn out too dense. Sometimes, under-proofed bread will have tunnels between the compact crumb.

The bread will spread and develop giant tunnels if the dough rises too long and over-proofs. The flavor and color may be off when you bake it. The oven spring will be less.

Gently stretch the dough and fold it like an envelope (see the video), patting the dough after each fold to push out any large air bubbles and seal it to the dough underneath.

Healthy Whole Wheat Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Uncover and flip the dough ball over so you can see the rough side. Stretch it gently with damp fingers and a bench scraper to make a rough circle approximately ten inches in diameter. Repeat the process of folding to make a boule or ball.

Drop into a lined banneton or similar-shaped basket with the smooth side down. Allow the shaped dough to rest for 30-60 minutes.


Stitch (pull the outer edges of the dough together and overlap them) the dough to add more tension. Cover and place in the fridge for 8-16 hours for the final rise.

Teff & Buckwheat Sourdough Bread

Preheat a conventional oven before taking the shaped dough out of the fridge. Set your oven to 500˚F or as high as it will go. Let it preheat for 45-60 minutes. Set a Dutch oven inside the oven to preheat at the same time.

Be careful not to exceed the manufacturer’s recommended maximum temperature. Some will tell you never to preheat an empty pan. If that’s the case, preheat the oven first. Then, place the bread in the pan, then into the oven. The Dutch oven doesn’t have to be preheated (although I have much better luck when it is).

When your oven is thoroughly preheated, remove the dough from the fridge. Work fast. After sprinkling the dough with semolina or cornmeal, invert the shaped dough onto a piece of parchment paper. (The black sheet is a grill sheet cut to fit the bottom of my Dutch oven. I think it prevents burning better than parchment paper.)

Easy Whole Wheat Artisan Bread Recipe

Use a sharp knife or razor blade to score the bread at a 45-degree angle if you want an “ear.” Or make a simple “X” or “+” sign. The slash should be 1/4 to 1/2-inch deep.

Remove the lid. Turn the oven temperature back to 450˚F. Continue to cook for 30 more minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 210˚F. Check with a quick-read digital thermometer.

75%. Using baker’s percentages, 400 grams of flour times .75 equals 300 grams of water. I did not take into account the water and flour in the starter for this calculation.


Make Sourdough Bread Without Yeast Using A Bread Machine

Yes. Use baker’s percentages to determine the amount of water you will need in relation to the amount of flour you want.

Even though you won’t be using your machine for baking the bread, 800 grams of flour would be too much for all the home machines I know about.

Make one batch and remove the dough to another container after the kneading stops. Then, start another batch. Most machines take about 20-25 minutes to mix and knead a loaf. That does not count pre-programmed preheat cycles or resting phases built into the DOUGH cycle by some machines.

No Yeast Sourdough Bread Machine Recipe

Step 2: Do three series of stretch-and-folds (about 8-10 times) on a damp flat surface until the dough is smooth. The dough will be sticky, so keep a bowl of water handy to dip your hands and bench scraper in as needed.

Step 3: Shape the dough into a smooth ball and place it into a lightly-oiled bowl or clear casserole dish (8×8-inch) for the bulk rise. You don’t need to mess with the dough again ( approximately 3-6 hours, depending on the temperature) until it’s ready to shape.

You don’t have to. No-knead sourdough recipes and recipes with higher hydration levels than 70% depend on water and time to build gluten.

Easy Sourdough Bread (whole Wheat Ish)

You could always use the machine to mix the dough, then stop it as soon as it is well mixed. (It will probably take you longer to wash the pan than to mix the dough.) Dough that is too wet doesn’t knead very well in a bread machine. The paddles can’t get traction with thin dough.


1. Build tension in the dough by “stitching the dough” in the banneton after you have shaped