Vegan Spelt Soda Bread Recipe

Is it possible to bake soda bread without buttermilk or yogurt, completely dairy-free? My quick and easy Vegan Soda Bread recipe proves exactly that!

My Irish Soda Bread with Yogurt recipe has become a favourite for so many of you and I truly hope that my no-buttermilk, no-yogurt and dairy-free version will follow suit.


Buttermilk is one of the main ingredients in classic Irish soda bread but as you already know if you've made my Irish Soda Bread with Yogurt, it can be easily substituted.

Date Syrup Recipes — Recipes

Ideal substitute will be equally acidic and will therefore react with baking soda and cause bread to rise (hence the use of yogurt in my Irish soda bread).

Here I wanted to go one step further and make my soda bread completely dairy-free and vegan too. It was easier than you might think!

Since we've gone plant based oat milk has become our milk of choice (I make it myself - recipe coming soon) but any neutral tasting plant/nut milk will do (soya milk would be my other favourite).

Vegan Irish Soda Bread (5 Ingredients)

You can either mix your plant milk with apple cider vinegar and wait for it to curdle giving that buttermilk like consistency (soya milk is great for that, oat one not so much) or simply add milk and then vinegar to your dry ingredients one after the other. You will find full details and method below.

Flour - One of the great things about soda bread is that it doesn't require any special bread type flour and you can make it with the simplest plain/all-purpose flour if that's all you've got.

I like to make mine using a mixture of half plain and half wholemeal or spelt flour for that extra boost of fibre.

Vegan Soda Bread (no Buttermilk)

Salt - I have been using fine Pink Himalayan Salt for a while now and absolutely love it as it is rich in mineral content and free of any unnecessary additives you find in table salt. Fine sea salt would be good as well.

Feel free to play with the amount of salt if you want. Anything between 1-2 teaspoon will work here depending on your tastebuds.

Oat milk - It is my preferred plant milk as I find it most versatile and neutral in flavour. I also make it myself (recipe coming soon) and have it in my fridge at all times. Feel free to use any other plant/nut milk you like. Soya milk would be another one I would recommend here if you're after neutral tasting plant milk.

Apple & Pear Cider Spelt Soda Bread

Mixed Seeds - Optional but a nice touch especially if you like seeded breads. I like to use a mixture of sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

If you go heavy handed on sunflower seeds you might notice your soda bread has got that slight green hue to it. Nothing to worry about here, it's the seeds reacting with baking soda (completely harmless).

I usually bake my soda bread with half plain (all-purpose) and half wholegrain spelt flour. After months of baking it this way I know that 350ml of oat milk is perfect amount of liquid for my loaf.

Vegan Irish Soda Bread (whole Wheat)

If you use just plain (all-purpose) flour you might not need as much liquid as that cause white, processed flours are usually less thirsty. You could start with anything between 300-325ml as if you go for full 350ml you might have to add extra flour as your dough will be too wet.


On the flip side, if you go for 100% wholemeal, spelt or rye flour you might need a bit more liquid as these flours tend to be more thirsty.

***TOP TIP*** You don't want for your dough to be neither too sticky and wet nor too dry. You should be able to bring it nicely together without too much dough getting stuck to your hands. Use more flour or liquid as required.

Seedy Wholemeal Soda Bread

Like with most breads, vegan soda bread is freezer friendly. Personally, I like to freeze it sliced and take it out of the freezer and straight into my toaster as and when I need it.

If this is not your first visit to my blog you already know my love for soup and the list below is by no means exhaustive.

Put all your dry ingredients in a large bowl (including the seeds if using) and give them a good mix with a spoon or a whisk.

Spelt Soda Bread, Dairy Free

Give it all a quick mix with a spoon and once dough starts coming together get in and mix it gently with your hand before you turn it out onto lightly floured surface. There is no need for heavy kneading, you just want to make sure that all your ingredients are well incorporated. Add a touch more flour or milk if required.

Once on the counter bring the dough together to form a neat round and transfer it onto baking sheet lined with baking paper and sprinkled with some flour.


Using a dough scraper or a knife cut a large cross in the middle of the loaf ( about two thirds down through the loaf). Make sure you are careful not to cut your loaf into 4 pieces.

Vegan Irish Soda Bread With Orange And Currants

Sprinkle over some extra seeds if desired and bake in pre-heated oven for 30 minutes until golden and sounds hollow when tapped underneath.

This delicious vegan soda bread is made with no yeast, no buttermilk or yogurt substitute and is completely dairy-free. All you need is handful of store cupboard ingredients and your favourite plant/nut milk. If you're after quick and easy loaf of bread that is ready in 40 minutes, this is it!One of the things I like most about soda bread is how easy it is to make. There is no yeast, proofing or anything else to be faffing over. Simply throw the ingredients all together and bake, and in less than an hour, you will be stuffing your face with warm, fresh from the oven, bread.

When talking about the birth place of soda bread, it often ends up in a tussle between Scotland and Ireland. But, what if I told you it was really neither?The first people to make soda bread were in fact native Americans. Long before anyone else, they were making a leavened bread using something called pearl ash . The pearl ash helped to lighten and raise bread when baked, which is exactly the purpose of baking soda in the modern day version.

Vegan California Walnut Soda Bread

The bread appears to have popped up in Ireland back at the end of the 19th century, where they replaced the pearl ash with baking soda (or, as we refer to it in the UK, bicarbonate of soda). The recipe doesn’t appear to have changed much since then.

These simple, household staples make soda bread a popular choice these days just as much as it was way back in times where the choice of ingredients was more limited. However, as time has progressed, other ingredients, such as eggs, have found their way into some soda bread recipes.

Although a classic soda bread usually calls for buttermilk, I don’t use it in my house. In the past I’ve made my own with a squeeze of lemon in regular milk, but it feels like one unnecessary step that can be eliminated, especially as I invariably have Greek yoghurt in my fridge. Soda bread needs some kind of acid to react with the baking soda, but in my opinion, it really doesn’t matter where it comes from. I always use thick Greek yoghurt with some additional regular milk, and it works like a charm.


Overnight Healthy Rye And Spelt Loaf

I love a good old savoury, seeded bread like this one, but throw a few raisins in and a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar, and I am equally happy (check out the YouTube video below where you will see me making my favourite, small batch cinnamon soda bread).

Due to the simplicity of soda bread, you can add pretty much anything you like to it. Instead of raisins, use fresh blueberries. And if you’re feeling fancy, why not drizzle over some sweet icing and serve it for afternoon tea (soda bread really reminds me of scones, so this would work like a dream).

Caraway is a plant, and its dried fruit (which actually looks like seeds) offers a unique taste that is similar to anise and fennel. Caraway and cumin are often mistaken for each other. It was only very recently that I realised, after living in Sweden for a long time, that two of their popular spices, kummin (cumin) and spiskummin (caraway) were not the same thing at all. I just thought spiskummin was the name for cumin.

Spelt Soda Bread

I used ground caraway because I thought a little sprinkling would work so well with the nutty wholemeal spelt flour and the seeds, and I wasn’t wrong. There is an unmistakable hint of caraway, but it is mild and gentle.

Because the recipe is pretty much foolproof, I think you could use pretty much anything. Soda bread is dense, and certainly not light and fluffy, so you are not really dependent on the gluten in regular flour. Traditional soda bread usually has some wholemeal flour, and for this recipe, I went for half wholemeal and half regular spelt.


Vegan Irish Soda Bread