Traditional Irish Soda Bread Recipe Uk

This is an easy Irish soda bread recipe with a 5-minute preparation and no kneading skills required! This yeast-free dough is perfect for beginner bakers and busy families!

Soda bread (Irish: arán sóide) is a traditional Irish bread. The dough for this bread doesn’t use yeast, but bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) which is the rising agent here.


No mixer and no proofing are needed to make a loaf of this brown soda bread. It’s so easy that it makes a great baking project for kids as well.

Brennan's Irish Soda Bread Recipe

It is a perfect choice for those who want to try and make homemade bread but are put off by the long process that needs to be followed for yeast based breads. This Irish soda bread is quick to make and tastes amazing!

We love this brown soda bread lightly toasted with butter and homemade preserves (Low Sugar Strawberry Jam is our favorite as well as Mixed Berry Jam).

But because it is not sweet, it goes also well with creamy soups like Zucchini Soup or Potato Leek Soup (which is so easy to make in a pressure cooker!).

Easy Irish Soda Bread

Wholemeal and all-purpose flour are combined with salt and baking soda in a large mixing bowl. I have a 4.25-quart (4-liter) Mason Cash bowl that I love for making Irish brown soda bread.

It’s wide enough so you can form a dough easily by hands, without having to transfer it onto a worktop. Now that being said, if you end up with a softer dough, it will be easier to shape it into a loaf on a worktop rather than in a bowl.

Now, give all those 4 ingredients a good stir before you add buttermilk. Then, all you have to do is mix everything – start with a wooden spoon and finish it off with your hands.

Bacon, Cheese And Spring Onion Soda Bread

You don’t need to knead it. You want to shape it into a loaf. Then, place it onto a baking sheet lined with baking parchment and brush the soda bread loaf with egg wash.

Baking should not take long – only about 30 minutes so you can easily make a loaf of this Irish soda bread on a weeknight.

If you like this Irish brown soda bread recipe, you might also like other Irish Recipes on our blog like Full Irish Breakfast or Irish Colcannon.


Traditional Irish Soda Bread

Note: This Irish brown soda bread is an old post that has been updated with new photos and detailed instructions with lots of useful tips.Don’t have time to make bread? Then whip up a traditional Irish soda bread instead.  This loaf, which is so quick and easy to make, is absolutely delicious straight out of the oven.  And any leftovers make amazing toast.

Necessity truly is the mother of invention.  Last week, whilst suffering with the lurgy half of Perth seems to have at the moment, I managed to cobble together some soup for dinner.  Only after achieving this magnificent feat did it occur to me that I didn’t have any form of bread to serve it with.  Bread is the only thing that can convince The Princess to actually eat soup, so serving dinner without it was unthinkable.  Unthinkable only because I wasn’t up to the moaning.

It was wet, cold and I really didn’t want to go out.  A yeasted dough was beyond me at that point, and I didn’t have a bucket of stored dough in the fridge,   so I thought I would give traditional Irish soda bread a go.  I’d never made soda bread before, so what better time to try something new than when my nose was completely blocked and I couldn’t taste a thing.

Luminary Bakery's Roasted Garlic Irish Soda Bread • The Home Page

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I own many cookbooks, and nestled deep in the bread section (yes, I have a bread section) is Elizabeth David’s English Bread and Yeast Cookery.  Soda breads form only a small chapter of this volume, however it was the simple fact that they are “rapidly mixed, immediately consigned to the oven …, the demands of this kind of dough (being) the very reverse of those made by yeast-leavened bread doughs” that made me decide to give traditional Irish soda bread a go.


Don't have time to make #bread? Then whip up a traditional #Irish soda bread instead. This loaf, which is so quick and easy to make, is absolutely delicious straight out of the oven. And any #leftovers make amazing #toast… Click To Tweet

Best Brown Irish Soda Bread Recipe

Mr Grumpy and The Princess were adamant that all I had delivered to the table was a very large scone.  And whilst the texture of the loaf is definitely different to a kneaded, yeasted bread, I think it is far denser than a scone.

At the end of it all, I actually don’t care what they think.  I am quite in love with this loaf.  It is quick to pull together, quick to cook and tastes great (and is even better the next day as toast).  So until they decide to bake, soda bread it is.

* We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Irish Brown Bread Recipe

Many traditional Irish soda bread recipes require the dough to be briefly kneaded prior to shaping.  However, as the baking soda (the raising agent) starts to act as soon as liquid is added, I find that any kneading reduces the lift of the loaf.  Maybe I just have heavy hands.  So to ensure a light loaf, I adhere to Mrs David’s suggestion of a light and swift touch when shaping my dough.


A hot oven is crucial here to ensure the loaf starts to rise as soon as it is placed in the oven.  Make sure that the oven has come to temperature before adding the liquid to the dry ingredients.

A slightly stale loaf of traditional Irish soda bread makes sensational toast.  Thickly slice any leftover soda bread, toast until lightly brown, then spread generously with strawberry jam or lime curd.  Delicious.

Traditional Irish Soda Bread Without Buttermilk

Made this recipe? Tell me how it went in the comments below. And if you loved it, please don’t forget to rate it.

This loaf, which is so quick and easy to make, is absolutely delicious straight out of the oven. And any leftovers make amazing toast.

A hot oven is crucial to ensure the loaf starts to rise as soon as it is placed in the oven. Make sure that the oven has come to temperature before adding the liquid to the dry ingredients.


Rosie's Traditional Irish Soda Bread Recipe

Update notes:  This post was updated on 28th June 2018 to complete the recipe card and the improve the readability of the post.