Coconut Bread Recipe Candida Diet

Coconut is a tremendously versatile ingredient, and you can integrate it into your diet in many different ways. On this page I’ll explain a little about coconut flour, coconut oil, coconut vinegar, and coconut aminos, all of which can be useful additions to your Candida diet. And, of course, there’s our famous coconut bread recipe too!

Consider using a high quality, organic coconut flour instead of your regular baking flour. It’s much dryer than your regular multipurpose flour, so it’s a little different to cook with. If you’re not getting the consistency that you need, you can also mix it with other low carb flours like almond flour and buckwheat flour.


This coconut bread is a filling snack that will help to kill any hunger pangs during your Candida treatment. You can eat this bread as much as you want during the diet. Coconut bread is one of the lowest-carb breads that you can find, and it’s also high in fiber which is great for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Candida Diet Recipes

Coconut oil is an incredibly healthy supplement that should be one of your first choices as an antifungal. It that contains 3 different fatty acids (caprylic acid, capric acid, lauric acid) that have been found to be effective against Candida (see research studies here,  and here).

Of course you can take caprylic acid capsules and get many of the same benefits as coconut oil. However if you follow the whole food approach and integrate natural coconut products into your Candida diet, that’s even better.

Coconut oil is a really easy and inexpensive antifungal food to add to your diet. Just take 1-2 tablespoons of the oil every day to start with. If you don’t experience any Die-Off symptoms you can increase your dose. If you take too much your body will quickly let you know (stomach cramps and diarrhea are the usual symptoms!), but your digestive system can cope with quite large amounts before you see this.


Coconut Ginger Cookies » The Candida Diet

Of course coconut oil has a wide range of other benefits for your body, beyond just getting your Candida overgrowth under control. Its great for your hair and skin, keeps your cholesterol levels low, boosts your immune system, and can provide relief from a variety of other complaints.

There’s another reason why coconut oil is great for a Candida diet. Many Candida sufferers lose weight while on the Candida Diet because of the changes in their eating routine. Coconut oil is high in calories (remember these are ‘good’ calories, not like junk food!). So if you feel like you are losing too much weight, coconut oil is a great way to boost your calorie intake. One tablespoon contains about 120 calories.


You can also use coconut oil for cooking instead of your usual olive oil. Coconut oil is actually very heat stable, so it doesn’t break down into unhealthy trans fats when you cook it in high temperatures.

Coconut Flour Crackers And Grissini » The Candida Diet

If you’re struggling to create a tasty salad dressing while on the diet, or you’re frustrated that you can’t use soy sauce, don’t worry. Coconut aminos are a wonderful substitute for regular soy sauce, while coconut vinegar will make some delicious salad dressings and marinades. Both are packed full of nutrients and are good options for a Candida diet.


Are you looking for more detail on how to plan and prepare meals during your Candida diet, and how to integrate coconut products into your meal? Check out the Ultimate Candida Diet treatment program that I cowrote with Dr. Eric Wood. It contains everything you need to know about Candida, all in one convenient package.

If you’re struggling to create a tasty salad dressing while on the diet, or you’re frustrated that you can’t use soy sauce, don’t worry. Coconut aminos are a wonderful substitute for regular soy sauce, while coconut vinegar will make some delicious salad dressings and marinades. Both are packed full of nutrients and are good options for a Candida diet.


Are you looking for more detail on how to plan and prepare meals during your Candida diet, and how to integrate coconut products into your meal? Check out the Ultimate Candida Diet treatment program that I cowrote with Dr. Eric Wood. It contains everything you need to know about Candida, all in one convenient package.