Panasonic Bread Maker Sourdough Bread Recipe

I’ve previously written up Panasonic’s sourdough loaf (dough-only) recipe using the Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker. The dough is made in the bread maker then shaped, proved and baked in an oven. I still think the oven is the optimum way to make this particular loaf but recently I’ve been making the shortcut version where the bread maker does all of the work. I've written up the instructions here as a separate recipe.

It actually takes longer this way but it's completely hands off and the end result is just as good as the dough-only version, although I find the shape a little less pleasing. I’ll live.


I’ve listed three sets of loaf ingredients: one that uses 100% white flour and two that use a mix of white and wholemeal. If you want to use wholemeal flour I’ve found that ⅔ white flour and ⅓ wholemeal works best. 50/50 (see the second photo) works too but isn’t quite as light.

Sourdough Discard Bread Machine Recipe

Make sure that the water for the sourdough starter is 20°C. When my thermometer broke and I tried to guess the temperature I ended up ruining my starter.

Once you’ve made the starter you don’t have to use it straightaway - it'll keep in the fridge for up to one week and can be used straight from the fridge - there's no need to let it come up to room temperature.

I use Allinson Easy Bake Yeast (which I also keep in the fridge) and the tin says to use within four months once opened. During lockdown, when yeast was scarce, I kept using my opened tin and now I've only just finished it, two years later (I know its age because I wrote the date on it). The Spruce Eats provides instructions for testing opened yeast that's older than three to four months and Jack Monroe advises using 1.5 times the amount if your yeast is old - I never bothered because my sourdough starters always fermented but both tips are good to know.I’ve had periods of keeping a sourdough starter going previously, but the loaves of bread I made were disappointing. The only success I had was making some sourdough pancakes for breakfast. Part of the problem was that I wasn’t really taking care of the starter, but also that I use a Panasonic SD 2501 breadmaker to make my doughs and frequently the whole loaf, and frankly I didn’t really put my heart into the whole sourdough thing. The starter became a black mulch after a few months and was thrown away.

Easy Bread Machine Sourdough Bread Recipe

When Karen did the London Marathon in April 2017, after registering for the race on the Saturday we had an excellent lunch in a pub in Greenwich - the Gypsy Moth.

I had pan fried king prawns and chorizo on toasted sourdough which was delicious, and made me hanker after sourdough bread again. At the same time I bought a Roccbox pizza oven, and the facebook group was awash with sourdough pizza recipes, so I started another culture. My efforts since Summer 2017 on the sourdough pizza front went well, and so around Xmas time I determined to try again at making sourdough loaves of bread.

I found a terrific article (now a dead link unfortunately) by Rachel Cotterill on using a Panasonic Breadmaker and had a go with that. The first loaf was pretty good, but not risen enough. However, I use a 50% hydration sourdough starter (50% flour, 50% water) which is easy to maintain but different from Rachel’s, so I tried tweaking her recipe.

Multi Grain Sourdough Bread Made In A Breadmaker

After fiddling around, this is what I have ended up with. It has tended to be very reliable. The following explains what I do when I need a loaf on Saturday.

Thursday: The day before I want to make the bread (making it on Friday evening) I will feed the starter in the morning and the evening.

Friday: The day I will make the bread I feed the starter in the morning, then at around 18:00. At 20:00, I will make the dough:

Multigrain Sourdough Bread

Put everything into the Panasonic breadmaker and then run the dough cycle. On my Panasonic 2501 this is cycle 22 and takes about 45 minutes.

When the dough cycle completes, set up the French bread cycle (this is all down to Rachel’s experiments and advice by the way - I take no credit for this) which on the 2501 machine is cycle 8. This is a 6 hour cycle, but I will use the timer function on this so that the bread is ready in about 12 hours time (press the time arrows on the breadmaker to increase 6 hours to 12 hours). Last thing I do before going to bed is to lightly spray some water around the breadmaker tin and on top of the dough. I think this reduces the dough sticking to the sides and giving a misshapen loaf (I could be wrong about that though!).


Saturday: 12 hours later on Saturday morning, the breadmaker beeps and a beautiful well-risen sourdough loaf comes out (see image above). The bread is satisfyingly chewy and flavoursome.

Spelt Sourdough Loaf Recipe

I find that the olive oil gives it a bit more longevity compared to no oil at all. The bread is great with cheese and meats, and also toasted with savoury food or with jam/marmalade.

See the post from Dave Sternberg in the comments section below. His version works really well - so much so that I’ve now changed my own version to this. So …..

Friday: The day I will make the bread I feed the starter in the morning only (at the moment my starter doesn’t require the 18:00 feed).

Collapsed Bread Machine Sourdough

Between 18:00-20:00 I will make the dough (Note that there are two recipes now - one with more starter for a stronger flavour):

Leave the dough for a few hours to rise and then put it onto cycle 22 before bed, so that it is left overnight after the second cycle completes.


In the morning peek inside to see the bread nicely risen.Then run the Panasonic Cycle 15 (“Bake only”) for 50 minutes. (Dave uses 45).

How To Make Spelt Bread In A Bread Machine

(This review was originally posted to Amazon as my review of the Green Cell C23-UX21 replacement battery was rejected by Amazon. Possibly because I used the...This is my go-to Bread machine sourdough bread recipe.Ever since I bought my bread machine, I was thrilled that I could prepare delicious bread with minimal effort every day.But I was missing that tangy flavour of the sourdough bread made by an artisan bakery.

So I set myself a target to figure out a way to combine the two. The ease of use of the bread machine and the delicious flavour of a genuine sourdough bread. In this recipe I will walk you through step by step, how to prepare your sourdough starter, how to care for it, my tips and tricks for making the perfect bread machine sourdough, how to setup your bread machineand of course the recipe! This is truly the ultimate guide for a bread machine sourdough! So lets get started…

Making sourdough bread is certainly time consuming. When I was researching the internet for my bread machine sourdough recipe, I quickly discovered that in order to get that artisan look and flavour you need time.

Panasonic Bread Maker Review: A Versatile, Easy To Use Machine

Time to wait for the dough to bulk ferment. Anything from 4 hours to upwards of 18 if your are doing a cold ferment. Time to attend to the dough and do 4-5 stretch and folds every 20-30 minutes to develop the dough’s gluten. Time to prepare your dutch oven, preheat your oven, shape and bake your dough.

That amount of time is what put me off from making my own sourdough bread. So I set off to develop a recipe that I can make daily using my bread maker and that tastes and feels as close as possible to that delicious artisan bread that I love.


This sourdough bread machine recipe has no yeast, unlike many that I have found online, so you will get that delicious true sourdough taste and texture!

Simple Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Machine Recipe — Elly's Everyday

You have two options to prepare and make your starter for your sourdough bread machine bread. Firstly, try to cultivate your own or, take a short cut and buy a portion of an already mature starter.

Making your own sourdough starter is not difficult, it just needs time. You need about one to two weeks of time and a little bit of luck. There are plenty of guides on the internet that will take you step by step through the process of preparing your own starter – check them out here and here.

For my sourdough adventures, I chose to buy a portion of an already mature starter. Admittedly I was a bit hesitant to experiment with making my own and I felt much more comfortable buying an already good, strong culture from a professional bakery. I found this one on amazon and I was amazed by how well it works.

Easy Olive Bread Bread Machine Recipe

It doubles in size reliably every 6 hours, smells just like the sourdough bread I buy from my local bakery and it is super low maintenance and very resilient. Perfect for a sourdough