Vanilla Ice Cream Monkey Bread Recipe

This bread is crack. I mean it- it's literally addictive. My friend Kim made this the first time I had it, and if I didn't like her so much I would think she were trying to sabotage my life with this bread. I was introduced to monkey bread a few years ago when Travis and I first met and his mom made it for one of my visits, and I instantly fell in love.... with the bread. Oh with Travis too, I guess!

Kim brought this bunt pan full of caramel-y looking stickiness up to the labor deck one day so she would not sabotage her own life by keeping this bread inside her house. I was trying to be good that day- it was right after Easter and I had just eaten a lot of sugary candy and heart clogging ham and scalloped potatoes- so I had packed myself a salad for lunch. I went to the break room for some water when I noticed it. I was intrigued.... it looked like monkey bread, but did not have any cinnamon!


I stepped closer. What is this stuff? I asked myself. I picked up a piece, examined it. Was it monkey bread? Further analysis was required. I smelled it, vanilla sugary goodness filling my soul. I tasted it, and was surprised. It was nothing like I was expecting, and in fact it took me a couple minutes to assess its flavor.

Monkey Bread Ice Cream

Instantly I was hooked. Still trying to be good good diet-wise, I savored that one piece of bread, enjoying its soft breadiness and sticky sweet coating. I got my water and went back to work, still thinking about the crack bread calling my name from the break room. I walked around for a few minutes, thinking that might burn off some of the calories I just ingested so I might be able to have another, when I found myself walking back to the break room. It was like my taste buds took over function of my legs without my brain's knowledge.

After that I made myself walk away, praying that some high metabolised 19 year old corpsman would go back there and devour the entire pan so that I would not have the opportunity to stuff my face full of the crack bread. I checked in the mirror to make sure I did not have the sticky glaze all over my mouth and nose, much like a real cocaine addict might need to do with the white powder.

Add ingredients to saucepan, melt on medium heat. While mixture is on the stove, cut each biscuit into 6 equal sized pieces, rolling into a ball if you desire, it's not necessary except for looks. Drop the biscuits into a greased baking dish or bunt pan, pour the melted ice cream mixture on top, ensuring each ball gets covered easily. Sprinkle just a little bit of white sugar over the top of the biscuits, bake at 350º for 20-25 minutes (my oven needed the full 25 min). Let cool slightly, stir very gently if you can to redistribute any ice cream mixture that might have settled at the bottom of the pan. Inhale the bread pieces with toothpicks, fork or plain ol' fingers.Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary at the gorgeous Rancho Bernardo Inn, located in beautiful, sunny San Diego. One of the highlights of our trip was enjoying one of the most decadent, cozy desserts I’ve ever had. At the hotel’s Veranda restaurant, Sean and I decided to try their cinnamon monkey bread with vanilla ice cream.  Oh my goodness, it was heavenly. Angels were singing as I took my first, then second, then tenth bite…. warm monkey bread; creamy, cold vanilla ice cream; salted caramel sauce… perfection.

Easy Dutch Oven Monkey Bread

Today, I’m giving you the secret shortcut to achieving this glorious dessert. Step one is frozen monkey bread. It’s available at the grocery store, near the frozen breads and breakfast items. It’s a snap to make. Just bake and serve. Next, you need some quality vanilla ice cream. I prefer Haagen-Dazs Vanilla. I know all you Texans are rooting for Blue Bell. Whatever your preference, get the good stuff. None of that store brand for this treat. Finally, here is the most important part of the dessert; the homemade salted caramel sauce. Here’s my secret, go-to recipe…

Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog . Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.


Hi! I'm Tammy! I'm a mom of two, designer, travel addict and shopaholic. :) Thanks so much for visiting. This little website of mine started as a hobby more than 15 years ago when I was in the thick of raising two tiny kiddos, and has now grown into a community of fun, supportive women. I am so glad you are here!There are a few recipes that I have really strong memories of. The ones that I made with my mom or grandmother, and had me and my siblings running to the kitchen begging to help with the next step. Those are the recipes that I really treasure now as a mom and that I love making them with my kids. Monkey Bread was always a special treat and my favorite breakfast as a young girl. We usually made Monkey Bread on long or extra special weekends. I always loved it with hot cheesy eggs and a side of yogurt or applesauce. It is such a great easy recipe that my kids love helping me make.

Homemade Monkey Bread With A Buttery Vanilla Glaze

Monkey Bread requires only a few ingredients and just a little bit of time. The result is a cinnamon sugar gooey delicious rolls you can pull apart to eat. Really the only ingredient that isn’t a pantry staple is 4 cans of biscuits. No matter how many times I have opened those cans it scares me every time those things pop open! Each biscuit is cut into fourths and set aside while I mix together the cinnamon sugar mixture.

I mix the cinnamon and sugar together in a gallon size zip lock bag. My kids then take turns throwing all the biscuit pieces into the bag. We all take turns shaking the bag to get each biscuit totally covered in cinnamon sugar. Then the coated pieces are put into a greased bundt pan. We work in shifts so the biscuits don’t get stuck together, they all get equally coated, and so each of my kids can have a turn shaking the bag.


While my kids are coating all the biscuit pieces I start making the sauce that goes over the biscuits. It is a really simple syrup made with butter, sugar, and cinnamon. It all gets melted together until it just barely starts to come to a boil. Then I immediately take it off the heat and pour it over the rolls in the bundt pan.

Caramel Chocolate Chip Monkey Bread Recipe

The bundt pan with the rolls and sauce goes into the oven to bake for 30 minutes. The waiting is by far the hardest part and especially as the smell of cinnamon sugar and cooked bread fills the house. After the rolls come out of the oven they cool for about 5 minutes. Then I flip the pan over onto a large serving plate and take the bundt pan off.

I let the rolls cool just until they are warm and we gobble them up. Monkey Bread is the best to eat while it is warm. Just like when I ate it as a kid, we eat Monkey Bread with eggs, fruit, and a large glass of cold milk. I love the really gooey pieces and my husband likes the crunchier pieces.


It is so fun making Monkey Bread with my kids and watching them get so excited. They love it just as much as I did as a girl. Making Monkey Bread is a tradition that will carry on hopefully forever. Monkey Bread is such a yummy special breakfast and especially love making it on chilly fall mornings.

Rhodes Rolls Monkey Bread

Monkey Bread is gooey cinnamon sugar pull apart rolls you can have for breakfast, or eat it for dessert with some vanilla ice cream.

Make this recipe as soon as possible with your kids! You will have fun as a family and get to enjoy a yummy treat. Maybe it will become a fun tradition for your family too!


Megan loves being a stay at home mom to a busy boy Hayden (10) and sweet girl Halli (6). She has been happily married to her ridiculously good looking husband for 11 years. She also enjoys blogging, trying new recipes to cook or bake, girls nights, fashion, and reading. You can also find her on twitter and instagram @fourheartsprojectLooking to get more vegetables in your diet? Whether you’re a dedicated herbivore or just trying

Sweets: Salted Caramel Monkey Bread Mash Up — Pink Peppermint Design