Bread Recipe Granary

I adore baking bread at home, my favourite smell is freshly baked bread, especially when I can eat it. This recipe is super easy to make, and now that my house has a working oven again I can bake bread all of the time

I much prefer to bake it myself than buy it at the shop because of all the additives they put in their bread to make it last longer! There is nothing better than cutting a warm loaf of homemade bread and spreading a nice amount of butter on it – YES PLEASE!


You can easily mess around with the recipe slightly and use all granary flour, all wholemeal flour, a seeded flour, or even white flour – just as long as theweight is the same! I usually do a mix in mine as I like the flavour, and I find it lighter when there is some strong white bread flour inside it.

Hovis” Style Granary Bread From Lavender & Lovage: A Culinary Notebook Of Memories & Recipes From Home & Abroad By Karen Burns Booth

I love making this recipe is a loaf tin as I can then slice the bread and use for toast, sandwiches or just slather a slice of two with butter. However, you can shape the bread however you wish – the choice is yours!

Usually, when someone mentions the word kneading, everyone hides away and its all too much! However, it really isnt that bad and I urge you to try this recipe because you will not regret it!

I use my stand mixer with the dough hook as I find it easier, but you can do it by hand if you prefer. In my stand mixer, kneading usually takes around 5 to 6 minutes – its that easy!

Small Granary Loaf

I have a few more bread recipes on my blog to try such as honey and oat and soda bread – both of which will fill your home with the delicious smell of baking bread. OR – sweet bread anyone?! Sticky chocolate rolls, cinnamon rolls to name just a couple – fill your boots!

I love making sandwiches with homemade bread on a summers day and taking them along on my dog walk. But this bread also tastes amazing with a bowl of hot soup and a cosy film when the seasons change. Fresh, warm, homemade bread with lots of options on how to enjoy it – can lunchtime get any better?!

©Jane’s Patisserie. All images & content are copyright protected. Do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words and credit me, or link back to this post for the recipe.

Seeded Granary Loaf

Welcome to my Kitchen! I’m Jane, a food writer, photographer and blogger. My goal with this blog is to give you the fun, laughter, confidence and knowledge to bake and cook whatever you fancy! Enjoy! xGranary Bread is wholesome, nutty, tasty and nutritious, but did you know just how easy it is to make your own? Read on and find out!


As a child I was a strictly white bread person, and I loved it whether it was fresh from the bakery, or came thinly sliced in a plastic bag.

These days my tastes are a bit adventurous and, of all the breads I have made recently (from the simple white loaf to the unusual barley bread and then my experiments with sourdough starters!), this granary loaf has to be my favourite.

Large Granary Sandwich Loaf (square) (ve)

Nutty, with a rich, wholesome, slightly sweet flavour, my easy granary loaf recipe is perfect to eat thickly spread with butter or toasted with jam.

Granary Bread is made with granary flour, which is trademarked by Rank Hovis Ltd. So, unless you buy your granary flour from Hovis, it will come under different names, but will be a mixture of some of all of the following ingredients:


I love the selection of comparable flours that Cotswold Flour do, but your own favourite flour company will sell a very similar in-house blend.

Granary Tin Loaf

It is this special blend of flour with a malt flour that gives your loaves a distinctive flavour: rich, slightly sweet and much more satisfying than a white loaf. My recipe uses molasses to enhance that malty flavour (although you can also use treacle). Some sunflower seeds add an additional interesting crunch, and you could create your own blend should you find yourself completely enthralled by this delicious granary bread.

A homemade granary loaf lasts a long time (certainly longer than, say a sourdough loaf), and is a really easy bread to make, perhaps the easiest one I have tried so far. I had a concern that I hadn’t kneaded it for long enough as the dough is quite sticky, but still it rose beautifully. If you like brown bread, and want to make your own, I certainly recommend this for the novice bread maker.

Hint: I sprinkled my loaf with sunflower seeds and some toasted malt flakes, but the loaf rose so much that they all popped off! Instead, whilst the seeds look delightful, it might be better to just stir more into the dough!


Basic Granary Bread Dough (for Rolls Or A Large Loaf) Recipe

I made a small 1lb loaf and then a freeform loaf, just to compare the two processes, and both worked beautifully. I don’t see why you couldn’t make one large loaf in a standard 2lb loaf tin, or one large, round free-form loaf.

If wrapped up well or kept in an airtight container (once cooled), this loaf will be good for up to a week, and maybe longer (although might need toasting).

You can freeze these loaves. Once cool, wrap in several layers of clingfilm and freeze for up to 3 months. To thaw, unwrap and place in a low oven.

Malted Wheat Bread