Healthiest Bread Recipe Dr Berg

I have been trying different keto bread recipes from the web and I have to agree with Dr Berg that this bread is wonderful and is the most bread like that I have made to date. I don’t think it is something for everyday consumption as it contains arrowroot and this is high in carbs, around 13 per 100g, however it does behave in a similar way to flour and that is a good thing. This recipe also calls for maple syrup which is eaten by the yeast to produce a lighter texture bread, you may also not be happy about the inclusion of maple syrup in this way. Personally, I have come to the conclusion that  Keto will be in my life for some time to come and so I have to find a variety of thing to eat that keep me on the right path.  That is, I will do less damage eating this loaf occasionally than if I ate a muffin or a doughnut. I will leave it up to you if you think the extra carbs are worth it to your particular WOE.

For the wet part of the mix you will need some warm filtered water to go with the maple syrup and active yeast. this is the yeast that is activated by adding to water, not the dried(easy bake ) yeast that is added to dry ingredients


You will need some measuring cups and spoons, a measuring jug and I make the loaf in a silicon loaf tin but it can be free formed onto a baking sheet so don’t worry if you don’t have one.

A Grain Free Bread Recipe From A Nutritional Biochemist

To activate the yeast you need hand hot water, that is water that feel hot to the touch, but if it is too hot the yeast will die and if it is too cold then it won’t work either. a good way to get the right temperature is to add 2 parts hot water to 1 part cold. you need 250 ml of warm water

Give the yeast mixture a stir and put to one side for 10 minutes. if nothing happens throw it away it means that your yeast is not working. its either, too old, the water is too hot or too cold or you have used the yeast that is meant to be added to dry ingredients.

In a clean bowl measure out all the dry ingredients, the ground almonds, coconut flour, the arrowroot, the salt. I measured the cups as not compacted, just a whole scoopful.

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Next take the chia seeds and grind them, I use my nutribullet and make up about a cup full at a time. the picture shows whole chia seeds on the spoon and ground in the bowl.

Measure out the 2 tablespoons of physllium husk and the 1 1/2 table spoons of  chia seeds into a small bowl and mix together.

You might be able to see how lumpy and wet the yeast /chia mix is as you add it to the dry ingredients

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Use your hands to bring the mixture together, it will be sticky, keep working it together until you have a ball of dough

Tip the ball of dough onto the counter and give it a little kneed, this is to bring everything together rather than stretch the gluten which is what you do with bread containing wheat flour

Wet a teatowel or cloth large enough to go over the bowl and place over the bowl to keep the dough from drying out and put the bowl somewhere warm for an hour.

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Don’t play with the dough too much at this stage I just drop it into my loaf tin. but you can shape it and put it on a sheet of greasproof paper while the oven heats up.

I put mine into the oven like this and it browns well but if you want a shiny crisp top to your loaf then you can egg wash it (brush it with a beaten egg). The loaf needs to cook in a hot oven gas 7, 220deg C 425degF for about 35-40 minutes, the exact time will depend on your oven, It will look done quite quickly  but you should use a temperature probe to see what the internal temperature is, when its done it will say 205-210 deg F. Once it is cooked, take it out of the tin and put it on a cooling rack so it doesn’t go soggy and then leave it to get completely cold before you eat it, if you don’t the inside will compress and stick together.Wanting to eat the healthiest bread but don't know where to buy it or how to make it? Try this healthy bread recipe that's not only nutritious, but also keto-friendly!


You can't call this grain bread or wheat bread because the ingredients do not include grain products like wheat and whole-grain flour. Whole grains, and even refined grains, can cause bloating to people.

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This healthy bread recipe is nutritious and safe for you compared with the loaf of bread you’re used to eating. The slices of bread you can have with this recipe make a healthy replacement to your multi-grain bread or whole-wheat bread dishes.

I would not call this type of bread the healthiest without discussing the nutritional information and calories of the ingredients and what health benefits of vitamins and minerals they can provide.

The first ingredient in my healthiest bread recipe is almond flour. It is a popular gluten-free ingredient and manufacturers make them from ground almonds. A cup of this flour contains the following nutrients:

Dr Berg's Healthiest Bread In The World.

Fiber is famous for its digestive benefits. It helps normalize bowel movement by enlarging the size and increasing the weight of stool; it also softensit. Grams of fiber allows you to easily release your stool, which lowers your chances of having constipation.

Calcium is the body's most abundant mineral and is essential for bone health. It primarily aids in building strong bonesand maintaining a healthy communication between other body parts and your brain. As you age, your bones weaken, and you need more of this mineral to keep your bones from becoming fragile.


Iron is an important mineral in the body as your red blood cells contain it. If you can manage your iron levels, you can help your body eliminate fatigue. This nutrient is crucial for boosting hemoglobin, managing anemia, and strengthening the immune system, all of which fight exhaustion.

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Potassium is an essential macro-mineral which aids in managing the electrical activity of the heart and in regulating fluid balance. It is also an electrolyte which is crucial for keeping the body's acid-base balance. It counteracts the water-retaining effects of sodium, maintaining a normal level of blood pressure.

Just like almond and arrowroot flour, coconut flour is also free of gluten and is a good alternative to wheat flour. The flour comes from the plant's dried flesh (finely ground). Although the recipe only requires 1/3 cup of coconut flour, let me give you a breakdown of the nutrients in a 1/4 cup:

Sodium is another electrolyte which plays an important role in muscle contraction and enzyme operations. It also helps transmit electrical impulses and regulate fluids in the body. Heating sodium does not lose its benefits, so you can use it for cooking or baking.

Minute Keto Bread

Proteins are one of the components of your cells which help in building and repairing damaged tissues. Your body also needs grams of protein for the production of hormones, enzymes, and other body chemicals. This compound is the building block of your blood, skin, cartilage, muscles, and bones.

This healthiest bread recipe contains sea salt too. It comes from the evaporation of water in saltwater lakes andoceans. It does not have many nutrients as it is only high in sodium. A teaspoon of it has the following nutrients:


Active dry yeast has larger granules than instant yeast, and you need to dissolve it in water prior to using it. Two teaspoons of it contain the following nutrients:

Easy Grain Free Bread Recipe

Vitamin A is essential in keeping good eyesight and ensuring the proper function of your immune system. It helps convert the light that enters your eyes into an electrical signal that can travel to and be interpreted in your brain. The vitamin also aids in maintaining the natural defenses of your body by strengthening the barriers which can trap bacteria.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is essential for the growth and repair of torn tissues. It also contributes to wound healing, absorption of iron, and formation of collagen.

This syrup is a type of sweetener or sugar alternative made from extracting the fluid of the maple tree. One tablespoon of it contains the following nutrients:

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Eggs are also present in my ingredients for the healthiest bread. They are usually found in various meals, especially during breakfast, because they are nutritious. A large egg, for example, has the following nutrients:

You need not worry about wrecking your keto dietevery time you eat this healthiest bread recipe I made for you. You can pair this real bread up with your other keto-friendly food and supplements. Enjoy eating!
