Paleo Chocolate Banana Bread Recipe

This Paleo Double Chocolate Banana Bread is perfectly moist and gooey with an incredibly deep chocolate flavor, and you’d never guess it’s sweetened entirely by ripe bananas.

I’ve been thinking about this recipe for a long time and now I’m positively kicking myself that it took me this long to finally get around to making it – both for my sake and for yours, because this recipe turned out as delicious as I had always hoped and dreamed that it would be. I feel like a proud mama!


A few years ago (that makes me feel like such an old blogger 😱 ) I posted this recipe for Paleo Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread. 

Paleo Double Fudge Banana Bread

, because I figured I already had a bunch of banana bread recipes posted. Thankfully, one of my housemates at the time tried it and bugged me to take some pictures before it was gone because it was pretty darn incredible – perfectly sweet (even without sugar) with a texture and flavor that tasted eerily similar to the banana bread my mom used to make.

Most popular recipe on my site, pretty much every single day (even though these Chocolate Covered Strawberry Brownies are starting to give it a run for it’s money). I’ve had it in my head to create an ultra-chocolatey version of that recipe since pretty much the day I’ve made it, and it’s finally happened. And it’s perfection.

Of bananas – 4 or 5, depending on how big they are (you need 2 1/2 cups), and the riper the better, because all of the sweetness in this chocolate banana bread comes from the bananas. There’s no added sugar at all, except for what’s in the chocolate chunks. You can use store bought chocolate, or if you want to ensure your bread is 100% refined sugar free and Paleo-compliant, you can use my homemade chocolate chunk recipe to make your own.

Paleo Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread

The bananas also add a ton of moisture to this banana bread, and there’s pretty much no way that it will turn out dry unless you totally burn it. Make sure they are SO ripe – if they’re not, your bread may not taste as sweet. Almond butter also helps keep the texture on point! I tried making this recipe using peanut butter one of the times I tested it, and that was also super delicious – the peanut butter leaves a much more noticeable flavor behind than the almond butter does, but I didn’t mind that at all as a full-fledged peanut butter lover.

I kept the first round of testing this chocolate banana bread for myself and enjoyed it for breakfast all week, and then I sent the second loaf to work with my roommate, as I usually do with my baked goods, only saving one slice for myself. I ate that slice and 

This recipe has major favorite potential, and it’s already a favorite around here. The fact that it takes 10 minutes to throw into the oven adds to its already strong appeal – it’s totally worth saving your bananas for. Happy baking – enjoy!The biggest mistake you can make, in my opinion, is adding artificial banana flavor. You can tell instantly if a loaf of banana bread is not au naturel. I don’t see why you would want to add a synthetic flavor when bananas themselves have such a wonderful, strong flavor profile and aroma! According to some sources, banana flavoring is based on a variety of bananas that is highly flavorful (unlike our common grocery bananas today) and it is no longer being cultivated, hence the discrepancy in flavor of what we know as “real” bananas and banana flavoring. Whether that is true or not, I say – stick to genuine bananas; even “natural” flavors do not measure up to the real deal.

Paleo Vegan Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Another biggie is getting the texture right. It’s not as simple as it would seem, especially if you are working with grain free flours in your paleo kitchen. Bananas are mushy which needs to be countered with a solid flour mixture or else you end up with a pile of mush rather than a tasty, moist loaf of banana bread.

Above all, though, I think banana bread can be a bit dull and boring. I know lots of people who would object right here; perhaps it’s my short attention span but I had to try and spice things up a little! So, chocolate was added… lots of it! I used a generous portion of raw cacao in this recipe, and so should you! Be mindful that the less expensive cocoa does not have the same quality and health benefits as raw cacao.

Raw cacao is the purest form of chocolate you can get; it is loaded with antioxidants and magnesium. Cacao is an excellent source of nutrients and far less processed than cocoa, which is exposed to high heat during processing. If given the choice, I always pick cacao over cocoa but to be fair, plain cocoa still contains a considerable amount of nutrients but it is oftentimes mixed with other ingredients (e.g. sugar) which makes it less appealing. If you don’t want to spend the extra bucks for the more expensive cacao, be sure to buy plain cocoa!


Double Chocolate Paleo Banana Bread From Ambitious Kitchen

If you don’t have access to paleo friendly chocolate chips, simply cut up a bar of your favorite, unsweetened chocolate. The darker, the better!

This banana bread stays fresh for several days – if you can abstain from eating the entire loaf in one sitting (oh, I’m always tempted!); I keep my banana bread refrigerated but it will also keep fresh in an airtight container on the kitchen counter.This moist and tender double chocolate banana bread tastes as good as chocolate cake, but it’s so much healthier!  Made with coconut flour and raw cacao powder, it’s paleo, nut free, gluten-free, dairy-free, family and kid approved!

Be able to figure that one out browsing through my blog.  I actually own a (pre-paleo) cookbook that contains 200 comfort food recipes, and I still reference it all the time for ideas!

Super Moist Double Chocolate Banana Bread With Avocado

I’m not ashamed to say that I’m a firm believer in the power of comfort food – especially when we can make it just as tasty – but way better for our bodies than the original versions.  Have our cake and eat it too?  Yes.  Have our cake (make it paleo) and eat it too.

This recipe is based on a really, really old one.  One of those recipes I sort of hope you haven’t discovered in the archives, due to the embarrassingly ugly photos.


I tweaked the recipe over the years, experimenting with different sweeteners and flour measurements, and what you see here is how I’m currently making it.  The flour is a nut free blend of coconut flour and a bit of arrowroot (or tapioca) flour, with raw cacao powder to give the bread that rich dark flavor.

Healthy Chocolate Zucchini Bread {gluten Free}

Bananas and full fat coconut milk give the bread lots of moistness, almost like a cake!  It’s sweetened with just the right amount of raw honey (sweet enough so my kids would eat it!), and studded with dark chocolate chips.

Just as a side note on the chocolate chips, I’m okay with using Enjoy Life Brand Dark Chocolate Morsels, which contain cane sugar, making them not

If you’d rather stick to unrefined sweetener but still want those chocolate chips (I don’t blame you!) you can make your own homemade, maple-sweetened chocolate chunks using this recipe from Bakerita.  While you’re there, check out a few of her mouthwatering dessert recipes (mostly paleo + vegan) – serious YUM!

Flourless Chocolate Pumpkin Bread (paleo)

The result is what you see above – gooey, chocolatey, moist and tender paleo banana bread that’ll be a hit with anyone who dares to come along and steal a slice!


This is one of those recipes that seems to disappear within 2 hours of making it – all it takes is two slices each for a family of 5!  I DO recommend letting the bread fully cool to room temperature before digging in, though, since it’ll be far easier to slice and won’t fall apart.

If you do happen to have leftovers, store them covered in the refrigerator, then lightly toast the bread to warm it up.  It’s great for snacks, breakfast, or dessert!  Are you guys ready to hop over to the dark (chocolate) side and bake this?!  Let’s go!

Gluten Free Healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Bread (paleo & Dairy Free)

This moist and tender double chocolate chip banana bread tastes just as good as chocolate cake, but it's so much healthier! Gluten free, dairy-free, nut free and paleo.

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More than a little into running and paleo recipes (yoga now too!) but I'm not here to rain on your grains (or anything else) so come along for the ride! I do a little too much of everything (except cleaning), and I enjoy laughing at myself. As long as I'm the one making the jokes, that is. Just kidding. So


Double Chocolate Banana Bread Recipe