Teff Flour Bread Recipe Vegan

My gluten-free teff & oat bread is a perfect power up, any time of day. It is also vegan, yeast-free. easy to make in minutes, and ideal for fueling your next marathon, or any of your epic adventures!

The Houston Marathon is fewer than 6 days away, whoo-hoo! This will be my first time running it, and I am especially excited because it is such a short distance away (no plane trips required), it’s super-flat (last marathon–July–was in San Francisco), and all of my Saturday-morning running buddies will be there, too. (Any power hungry readers running this year? I’d love to know!)


The only downside has been training in the cold. Yes, cold in Texas! It has been in the teens the last few weekends, and I hate running in the cold. As a reward, I have been making and baking runner-food (e.g., power bars, breads, energy cookies) following frigid runs, so that I can stand by the oven as much as to reap the rewards of my labor.

Teff & Buckwheat Sourdough Bread

One of my favorite new developments is this dark and delicious quick bread, made quickly and easily with oats, and teff, a favorite superfood of Ethiopian, Eritrean, and many Western distance runners, too.

The inspiration for the bread came from a recipe I stumbled across, in Bon Appetit. for super-seedy, gluten-free bread. It caught my eye because I gravitate towards dark, hearty loaves of bread, plus, I knew I had some teff flour (which is called for in the recipe), waiting for a use, in the freezer. It looked and sounded like a winer.

But then I looked at the recipe more closely. It is a yeast bread (fine), but…did I want to wait around to soak oats proof yeast? No. Further, while I am a fan of nut- and seed-studded baked goods, 2-1/2 cups worth seems excessive, as well as unwise for fuelling long runs (too many pit stops. Enough said on that subject :)).

My Best Vegan Gluten Free Bread Recipe

So, I scrapped the yeast, nuts and seeds, and headed in my own direction, recalibrating the bread as a simple, hearty quick bread.

You can whip up this bread in no time flat! First, the liquids are mixed with the oats, psyllium and flax, and then left to hag out for 15 minutes to thicken. The remaining ingredients (teff flour, salt, baking soda, and oil) follow. That’s it!

Note, in the photo below, that the batter is VERY thick, in large part due to the psyllium husk, which adds structure to the loaves. It may seem dry when you first add the teff flour mixture, but keep stirring, it will all blend.

Why Teff Flour Is The Perfect Alternative To Wheat Flour

Gluten-free loaves that rely on psyllium and flax need all of the added structure they can get, which is why I decide on four mini loaves as opposed to one 9×5-inch loaf. This allows the bread to bake completely in the centers for a traditional wheat bread-like texture, with minimal deflation after baking.

The loaves take about 40 to 44 minutes to bake. Do not open the oven to peek, or the loaves may deflate before they are done!

When the loaves are finished, they will be puffed high above the edges of the pan, but this is only for a moment (due to the psyllium). The tops will drop almost immediately, but, due to the small loaf size and combination of ingredients, the loaves retain their shape (no center drooping, and no gumminess!).

Simple Sorghum Sourdough Recipe

The texture of the bread is tender, similar to a whole wheat and oat quick bread recipe I used to make years ago. It is perfect for sandwiches, toast, or anytime gnoshing, plain or adorned with favorite toppings.

While I love the bread best with teff flour, I am happy to report that it also works beautifully with an equal amount of any the following superfood flours:

Stay-tuned for more power recipes this week, including a special guest post tomorrow, which will include a super-food recipe for your favorite four-legged friends!

Vegan Coconut Flour Flax Bread (grain Free, Oil Free)

Flour subs: An equal amount of amaranth flour, quinoa flour, sorghum flour or millet flour can be used in place of the teff flour.

Sweetener subs: An equal amount of maple syrup, or honey (if vegan is not necessary), can be used in place of the molasses. If you prefer no sugar, you could add 3 extra tbsp. of milk, or 3 tbsp. of applesauce or pumpkin puree.

Delicious !I subbed chia for flax, nut butter for oil (more nutritionally dense), and only 1 tbsp molasses. Bread is dark, holds together fantastically, taste is 'teffy' balanced with sweet. Cuts beautifully for slices. Toasts well. Used 4 small loaf pans lined with parchment. Thank you!!!


Gluten Free Teff & Oat Bread {vegan, Yeast Free}

Whoohoo! I am so glad you pulled this one up, Vicki, as I need to get back to using teff, it is so tasty. I am going to have to try your variations for this recipe!

WOW! I have found a bread that I absolutely love! I can see that this recipe would be a good starter bread for other ingredient such as banana and raisins and nuts and etc. Thank-you!

Thank you so much for this delicious and easy recipe. My hubby and I made it twice already. We replaced the molasses with applesauce. Thank you again for your expertise!

Teff Flour Vegan Spinach Fritters

I bought some teff flour today and am looking forward to trying this! Husband is GF and finds most GF bread quite insubstantial- and the good stuff is so expensive. This looks just the ticket! We only have full-size loaf pans though, would you suggest cooking in a muffin tin instead?

This is a Fabulous and Delicious bread recipe. Thank you so much for sharing and for also adjusting the recipe for a larger batch. Doing so by just doubling the original recipe doesn't always work. I look forward to trying more of your recipes!

I am thrilled that you found this and love it, Charlene! Teff is so delicious, I hope that it eventually catches on more.This incredibly soft and fluffy teff bread has a deliciously nutty and earthy flavor, and comes together very easily. It tastes delicious and looks uncannily similar to whole wheat bread. This teff flour bread is perfect for making sandwiches, avocado toast, or simply toasted and spread with jam. Totally gluten-free and dairy-free too, but no one would care!

Vegan Mofo Day 8

The joy of baking a loaf of homemade bread is never lost on me, and the process of bread-baking is as therapeutic as curling up with a good book and a warm cup of tea.

Mixing bread dough and watching it double in size never ceases to amaze me. And pulling a freshly baked loaf from the oven, feeling the warmth rush out onto my face always makes me feel like I’m on the top of the world.


Some of my favorite yeast breads include this super popular buckwheat bread, this fluffy millet bread, our gluten-free white bread, this gorgeous no-knead artisan bread, and this rosemary focaccia.

Yeast Free Pumpkinseed Teff Sandwich Bread (gluten Free, Vegan, Acd) — Affairs Of Living

When I found teff flour at the natural foods store the other day, I knew I simply had to develop a bread recipe with it.

I wanted to create a loaf of gluten-free bread that resembled whole wheat bread in how it looked and tasted, and this amazingly soft, tender and fluffy teff flour bread was born.

Fun fact: A common Ethiopian food is teff injera, a traditional bread which is made from a fermented batter prepared with this whole grain flour.

Gluten Free Vegan Teff Brownies Made With Teff Flour

Considered an ancient grain, the teff grain was one of the earliest domesticated plants and is cultivated for its edible seeds. Teff is the world’s smallest grain, and its seeds are very small and similar in size to poppy seeds.

There are different varieties of teff seeds, from white and red to dark brown, and have a naturally nutty flavor (the lighter-colored seeds have are milder in taste, while the darker-colored seeds are earthier in taste).

Teff seeds are mostly ground into a fine flour. Depending on which teff grains you use, the color of the ground teff flour will vary.

Vegan Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe

The photo below shows darker-colored whole grain brown teff flour (naturally, white teff flour and ivory teff flour will be lighter in color).


Compared to other grains, it also has a high mineral content, and is a good source of minerals such as potassium, copper, and potassium, among others.

Teff can be easily found at health food stores, and it can be used in many gluten-free recipes. Today, we’re making this deliciously tender and soft gluten-free teff flour bread.

Teff Almond Butter Cookies (gluten Free, Vegan)

Preheat the oven to 350F and arrange the oven rack to the middle third position. Grease an8″ x 4″ nonstick metal loaf panwith oil.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk the gluten-free all-purpose flour, xanthan gum (if using), teff flour, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, salt, instant yeast, and sugar together.

Add the vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar, and warm water to the large bowl with the dry ingredients, and mix well until combined. Add the beaten eggs and mix for another minute until you get a dough that looks like thick cake batter (the dough will be sticky and wet, but that’s exactly the texture you want).

Gluten Free Vegan Bread

Cover the pan with kitchen towel and let the dough