Wegmans Chocolate Cherry Bread Recipe

If you recall, I mentioned last time that I’m this month’s host for Bread Baking Day #47; Bread with Chocolate.  Of course, the host takes part too, so I’m submitting a fantastically deep, dark chocolate bread with dried cherries that are soaked in kirsch and big, lumps of chocolate.  It’s called Black Forest BREAD aka Drunkin’ Cherry Dark Chocolate Lump Bread  (my take on it) since it’s a yeasty bread take on the famous Black Forest Cake that originated in Germany.

 creation, sweet or savory, baked, fried, or whatever..with chocolate added in any form, up until March 1st, Midnight EST. You can read about it HERE!


So, it all began when I was looking for an old cookbook a few days ago and came across a bread machine cookbook that I received as a gift, with a brand new bread machine, during the holidays back in 1994.  I used to use this book to death because it was

Cranberry Orange Bread Recipe

Of incredible and unique bread recipes, like this Drunkin’ Cherry Dark Chocolate Lump Bread (called Black Forest Bread in the book).  I still remember how much fun I had trying all the recipes during this bread machine phase of my young baking life.

This Drunkin’ Cherry Dark Chocolate Chunk Bread was one of my favorites to make because everyone in the world loves dark chocolate (except me) so it was always easy to give away, which also aided in keeping my muffin top from spilling over and busting the zipper on my jeans.

I call the jeans in my closet without broken zippers ‘Survival of the Fittest’ (That one made it into Parade Magazine, chosen by Marilyn vos Savant. I was stoked, to say the least!)

Chocolate Cherry Bread Recipe

It’s now out of print, but if you can find it somewhere., used or new, I encourage you to grab a copy if you have a bread machine and like to use your bread machine.  It’s the best bread machine cookbook I ever came across, to this day. It’s called The Best Bread Machine Cookbook Ever by Madge Rosenberg.

Look at the beautiful, shiny crust after it’s brushed, HOT, with the kirsch!  The kirsch soaks in and the crust remains, well, crusty,  A good thing, as one, famous Domestic

Whose initials are MS, might say. Not to mention, the interior of the Black Forest bread is almost fudgy, while retaining a fluffy, light crumb.

Mrs. Chow's Kitchen » Post Topic » Chocolate Cherry Bread

AGAIN, even though I’m not a fan of dark chocolate, the fudgy factor in this bread was just too hard to resist!

Above is the piece de resistance of accoutrements to this Black Forest bread; creamy, sweet, vanilla bean whipped cream cheese.  AND AGAIN, even though I don’t like dark chocolate, I wolfed down about 3 slices slathered with this spread.  I also ate some of it with a spoon.  Yes, I’m a glutton for almost anything edible with cream cheese on it.

Look at those gorgeous dried cherries studding each slice, below. They plump up while the bread is baking, giving you a little

Chocolate Cherry Bread Pudding

That’s unexpected.  I also gorged on the cherries, dipping them in the cream cheese spread, because, again, I’m a cream cheese glutton.

Finally, the best part.  For those of you who don’t have a bread machine, I converted this Black Forest bread recipe to hand or stand mixer kneading and oven-baking.  I also added the chocolate chunks to the recipe – well chocolate disks,  very large couverture disks I purchased a while back for a chocolate chip cookie recipe I never got around to making, just because I knew it would make the bread


As mentioned above, I also made a sweet vanilla bean cream cheese whip as a spread for this wonderfully moist and dense chocolate bread.  It’s a tasty, tangy, sweet emulation of the whipped cream in and on a Black Forest Cake.  Plus, why not add more calories?  Enjoy!

Chocolate Cherry Challah

Recipe from The Best Bread Machine Cookbook Ever, by Madge Rosenberg, converted to manual mixing/kneading and oven baking, with my addition of chocolate chunks

I’m submitting this Black Forest Drunken Cherry Dark Chocolate Chunk Bread to Yeastspotting, a weekly bread baking showcase hosted by the uber talented Susan of Wild Yeast.

This entry was posted in Appetizers, BBD, Breads, Dessert, Fruit, Yeastspotting and tagged Black Forest Bread, Cherries, cherry, Chocolate, Chocolate Bread, chocolate cherry bread, chocolate chunks, chocolate lump bread, cream cheese, Dark Chocolate, Dark Cocoa, Dried Cherries, drunk cherries, Kirsch, Rum, soaked cherries, vanilla bean cream cheese spread, Yeast. Bookmark the permalink.This rich, dark chocolate-cherry sourdough bread is deliciously menacing; like a chocolate bar, once unwrapped, it constantly demands attention. But before I started work on this recipe, I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure that adding a high percentage of chocolate would result in a pleasant-tasting loaf, given the hearty wheat and lengthy fermentation flavors. And, for me, large quantities of cocoa powder quickly become overpowering and bitter, and adding dark chocolate chunks seemed like it would only compound the issue.

Paul Hollywood's Chocolate Cherry Bread

Thankfully, I was wrong. While baking, irresistible nutty, earthy, and roasted coffee aromas swirl about, an eddy of enticing fragrances that constantly pull you to the kitchen. A compulsion quickly sets in to first check the oven, then the timer, then the oven again—restless for the loaf to finish and eager to finally indulge in that magical ambrosia. I can recall only a few recipes that elicit this feverish behavior during baking (my chocolate babka and cinnamon rolls qualify), and this bread may take the top seat in that category.

I started to develop this chocolate sourdough bread as a beautiful Valentine’s Day treat, but after testing it for weeks, I’ve found that it’s perfectly suitable for any time of the year. I mean, chocolate + cherries + bread—when isn’t that seasonally appropriate?


You’ve probably run across recipes that call for blooming dried spices in a hot liquid (usually oil). Did you know that you can bloom cocoa powder too? As it does for spices, blooming intensifies the flavor of the chocolate significantly.Additionally, it means we can use less cocoa powder overall, eliminating the issue of excessive bitterness in the final loaf.

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For this recipe, I chose to bloom the cocoa powder in neutral-flavored canola oil, transforming the two into a syrup-like liquid (similar in consistency to the barley malt slurry in my Sourdough Bagels). I then add this mixture to the dough at the end of mixing.

The canola oil itself is a boon to the bread: it brings a measure of tenderness and sheen to the crumb, making both the crumb and crust more tender.

The majority of the flour in this dark chocolate-cherry sourdough bread is white flour, though I include a portion of whole wheat for increased fermentation activity and flavor. This whole wheat flour can be freshly milled, too, if you’d like to use your grain mill.

Caramelized White Chocolate Cherry Bread

A small percentage of the white flour is high-protein white bread flour, which brings strength and added structure to the dough. If you don’t have any high-protein flour on hand, using all medium-protein flour or even all-purpose flour will work well, too; just keep an eye on the hydration of the dough, and if necessary, don’t add all the reserved water (water 2) in mixing.

I use dried and sweetened tart cherries, which are quite moist, but if yours are very dry and hard, soak them overnight while the levain ripens in a small measure of the mixing water (taken from Water 1 in the ingredients) to help rehydrate them.


This chocolate sourdough bread takes two days to make (not including the levain). The cold overnight proof gives the dough ample time to fermentation, thus increasing the final fermentation flavors and making for a more manageable dough to score before baking. To switch this to a direct bake (i.e. to bake it the same day it’s mixed), leave the dough out to proof on the counter for 2 to 3 hours until it passes the poke test (a finger poke springs slowly back).

Chocolate Cherry Lava Cake Fruit Recipe

If it's cold right now where you're baking, be sure to see my guide on how to bake sourdough bread in the winter for tips on how to keep this dough on its schedule.

Mix the following ingredients for the levain in a jar and leave them covered at a warm temperature, 74-76°F (23-24°C), to ripen overnight.

Put the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat and heat until very warm, 2 to 4 minutes. Add the cocoa powder and whisk continuously until the powder dissolves and the mixture becomes thick, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool.

Chocolate Cherry Bread Pudding Recipe

I mixed and strengthened this dough by hand using the slap and fold technique, but you could use a KitchenAid stand mixer or a large spiral mixer.

Add the sugar, salt, and levain to the top of the dough that was just in autolyse, and use a splash of water to moisten. Mix thoroughly. If the dough feels like it can handle it, add the remaining water. Next, knead the dough for a few minutes using either the slap and fold technique or folds in the bowl. For this dough, I kneaded for about 5 minutes until the dough smoothed and became elastic.


Pour the bloomed

Dark Sweet Cherry And Chocolate Zucchini Bread Fruit Recipe