Banana Bread Recipe Buttermilk Brown Sugar

There are three tricks to the best banana bread you will ever make: buttermilk, brown sugar, and a small loaf pan. Easy and delicious banana nut bread!

Follow Tangled with Taste on Pinterest for more great tips, ideas and recipes! This post may contain affiliate links. Please see disclosure page for more information. This recipe was originally posted in early 2019 and is being republished for easy finding now.


You know, for the longest time I didn’t like bananas. It was mostly all mental. Now their not so bad! Especially if they are in banana bread! mmmmm… Recipes, Cooking Tips, And Kitchen Hacks For Home Cooks Of All Levels

You see, dear reader, it’s because in elementary school some kids on the bus gave me the nickname “Julianna Bobana the big fat Banana” and it stuck.

Also did you know that there are over 1000 varieties of bananas? True story! They come in all different colors and sizes.

Although, if you live in America then you probably know of approximately one variety of banana- the Cavendish banana. It’s the bright yellow one you find in grocery stores for about 79 cents a pound. The Cavendish has bunches that grow three meters above the soil (they are a fruit, but are actually an herb as well), with a shape that makes them easy to pack, and a beautiful color to boot.


Brown Sugar Cinnamon Banana Bread

I’m pretty sure the fact that the Cavendish banana is significantly less flavorful than other varieties wasn’t considered a major problem when they were chosen as the mass production fruit of America way back when, and since we’ve not got other choices I suppose we are perfectly fine with that.

However I visited an island in Samoa last year and they had different banana varieties and heavens to betsy they were delicious! So now I look for other banana varieties whenever I’m at the grocer. Try it out!Need I really say anything more to convince you? Good ol’ banana bread… that ingenious way to use up overripe bananas. How lovely art thou when baked with buttermilk, brown sugar and chopped walnuts?! I am waxing eloquent about this humble snack/dessert/breakfast bread, because it’s been a while since I baked banana bread.


You see, back when I’d just started this blog, I found a recipe with peanut butter in it (you can find the recipe here, it is tried and tested and I have got lots of rave reviews about it) and it was insanely delicious. Didn’t ya hear me? I said it has

Banana Banana Bread Recipe

In it! And oh, I also have a peanut butter glaze recipe to slather on top of it. Since then, every time I craved banana bread, I made it with peanut butter and glaze. That can be rather heavy, as you can imagine. So mostly, I let those stinky, brown bananas go to waste.


Then I found this recipe on Pinterest that claimed to be THE best banana bread recipe. I tried it and loved it. So I am glad to say that I have resorted to making banana bread again, of course with some modifications to the original recipe. The main alteration being the amount of sugar used, of course. 1 1/2 cups of sugar in a 9×5 loaf just sounded too much even for a sweet tooth like me. The last time I made this, I added a handful of chopped walnuts to the batter and teeny spoonful of brown sugar was sprinkled on top for a crunchy crust. It was amazing. Chocolate chips would be nice too.

The teeny-weeny sprinkling of brown sugar makes the crust totally delicious. You could add a small handful of your favorite nuts or even chocolate chips for a decadent treat.


Hazelnut Banana Bread

Nothing beats the smell of cake or bread baking in the oven. And banana bread combines the best of both worlds. Is it bread? Is it cake? It’s super banana bread (with brown sugar and nuts!)… yum!!

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In it! And oh, I also have a peanut butter glaze recipe to slather on top of it. Since then, every time I craved banana bread, I made it with peanut butter and glaze. That can be rather heavy, as you can imagine. So mostly, I let those stinky, brown bananas go to waste.


Then I found this recipe on Pinterest that claimed to be THE best banana bread recipe. I tried it and loved it. So I am glad to say that I have resorted to making banana bread again, of course with some modifications to the original recipe. The main alteration being the amount of sugar used, of course. 1 1/2 cups of sugar in a 9×5 loaf just sounded too much even for a sweet tooth like me. The last time I made this, I added a handful of chopped walnuts to the batter and teeny spoonful of brown sugar was sprinkled on top for a crunchy crust. It was amazing. Chocolate chips would be nice too.

The teeny-weeny sprinkling of brown sugar makes the crust totally delicious. You could add a small handful of your favorite nuts or even chocolate chips for a decadent treat.


Hazelnut Banana Bread

Nothing beats the smell of cake or bread baking in the oven. And banana bread combines the best of both worlds. Is it bread? Is it cake? It’s super banana bread (with brown sugar and nuts!)… yum!!

If you like what you see, please follow my blog via Email (button on the right), Facebook, Pinterest or Bloglovin’, or maybe even all four!!!
