Raw Food Bread Recipes

I’m happy to say that we were finally able to get the dehydrator working again. The first thing I created was this raw vegan herb and seed bread. It came out really good and I’ll be making it again soon.

Having a dehydrator really makes a big difference for adding raw food to your diet. And this year when the mangos start dropping (which should happened very soon) or when it’s tomato overload time I’ll be able to dehydrate them to make my own sun-dried tomatoes and mango treats. I use the Sedona dehydrator by Tribest. I like it because it has a clear door and the digital controls are on the front. It also has a pull down door like an oven. It’s quiet too. I have also used the Excaleber dehydrator and it works very well too. I didn’t like the fact that the controls are on the top of the unit towards the back. This can make it difficult to access them depending on where you keep it. Also to open the unit the door is removed completely. The unit I had had a black door and I couldn’t see inside without taking it off. On the other hand, they do have a smaller unit that might fit better in some kitchens. Which ever type you choose, having a dehydrator will open up a new world of possibilities.


This recipe starts with ground sunflower seeds and flax seeds. I then added finely chopped onion and grated carrots. Fresh parsley and oregano from my garden added even more flavor. The result was very satisfying indeed.

Raw Food Sandwich Bread

After mixing the batter, I spread it out on a teflex sheet and popped it in the dehydrator for about 8 hours. Then I flipped it over, took off the teflex sheet and dehydrated it for another 8 hours. The bread was still soft and chewy. I knew we would eat it quickly so I called it finished. If you plan to store it longer you can dehydrate it more.

I cut it into squares and put it in the refrigerator to be ready for a quick meal anytime. Just top with some avocado, tomato, lettuce and serve along side a salad. Yummy!

So tell me do you have a dehydrator? Do you have questions about dehydrating? Post them below and I’ll do my best to answer them. 

Homemade Raw Vegan Bread

Helping you go from self-sabotage to taking control. From mealtime boredom to loving what you eat. From being tempted by all the wrong choices to making the right decisions. And from being sick and tired to living a vibrant and Whole & Healthy life.

Take your plant-based meals beyond salads and tofu to flavorful and satisfying with all the variety you want.  Learn the formula for creating your own menu plans so you’ll be able to have meals that fit your tastes, your family and your needs. Video course with workbook available with your Black Vegan Academy Membership. Click the button to find out more.By the looks of my kitchen, a bakery just opened shop!  I need my own cafe or company…I have food everywhere.  My passion for raw foods only increases over time; it has yet to diminish in the least bit over the years.  My husband and our dear friend Craiger (who is staying with us for 2-3 weeks)  are loving this as well.  They are my taste testers, and so far they have LOVED every single one of them.

I don’t share that to be tooting a horn here; it just tickles me that Craiger, who is new to understanding what raw foods/dishes are has been raving non-stop over every raw recipe I make.  I love it!

Raw And Gluten Free Sandwich

He wants me to teach him how to make several of the dishes already. And that is where my passion is, to teach others, to encourage others to add more healthy dishes/foods into their diets. I want to quickly touch base on a few ingredients that I commonly use in raw bread and cake recipes.

Every batch of pulp will differ in moisture.  This all depends on how much of the milk you can squeeze from the nut bag.   Therefore, you may need to adjust the amount of liquids being used in recipes calling for nut pulp.  If it has a really dry feeling, more moisture may need to be added.  Or if the pulp is wet, less moisture would probably be necessary.

It is also best to make sure that the pulp is unflavored, and that is a step that has to be taken when first making almond milk.  There is a link below that you can click on to learn more about this process if you are unfamiliar with it.  BUT should your pulp already have small hints of sweetness to it, not to worry… I doubt it would be enough to affect the outcome of this recipe.  I don’t recommend any substitutions for the almond pulp.  It is the key ingredient that helped me to create a light and airy batter.


Raw Vegan Flax Seed Bread Recipe

It is a must that I touch base on this ingredient because it pops up every so often.  The main question, “Do I have to use it? Or What can I use instead?”  Anything is possible when it comes to subbing out ingredients.  But I spend a lot of time developing recipes that have great flavor, texture, and appearance.  Since many people have a hard time finding Irish moss (unless mail-ordered), I came up with the idea of creating a paste from raw kelp noodles.  I can now happily report that both worked perfectly.  The purpose behind these pastes/gels is to give some added nutrition but as equally important… the bread-like texture.  If you are dead-set against using these ingredients, my next go-to would be a few tablespoons of psyllium husks.  Have fun experimenting, but I highly recommend making the recipe that I designed first.

I created this recipe back in 2011 and used a spice blend that is no longer being manufactured. It was a spice blend that is similar to an Italian seasoning mix.  So please use something equivalent until I get to fine-tune a spice blend. blessings, amie sueThere’s nothing quite as satisfying as Raw Vegan Bread. As one of the most sought after foods in the raw vegan world (understandably), this nutrient-dense and enzyme-rich healing food is easier to make than ever before.

 With a few pantry staples, you can throw this recipe together and ensure that you’re eating for health and boosting your immunity all in one. Traditionally baked bread can’t compete with this Best Ever Raw Vegan Bread!

Raw Sun Dried Tomato Zucchini And Olive “bread”

Pantry Staples. All of these ingredients (minus the zucchini) are found in your pantry, making it super convenient for times like these where fresh isn’t readily available for everyone. Our pantry stays stocked up with these items year-round, which makes this recipe easy to throw together at any time.

Budget-Friendly. No fancy ingredients with hard to pronounce names or expensive price tags. They’re all staples that most people already have or can buy in the bulk section for cheap.


Guilt-Free Alternative. A sure swap for any store-bought bread, this raw vegan bread is completely guilt-free with all of its nutrients and enzyme properties.

Fermented Raw Vegan Bread

Soaked Buckwheat. Buckwheat (also known with the term “groats”) is a gluten-free seed, unrelated to wheat, that can be used in place of wheat grains. It is an inexpensive source of high-quality protein. Seeds, like buckwheat, that are from non-grass plants that are eaten in a similar way to grains, are considered “pseudocereals”.

Raw foodists commonly soak buckwheat to break the seed down and make it easier for digestion. To soak buckwheat, place the seeds into an airtight container, cover them with filtered water, and leave them overnight. Then drain and rinse them before using them the following day. A gelatinous product results from soaking buckwheat, which helps raw vegan bread thicken.

Flax/Psyllium Husk Flaxseeds and psyllium husk are the magic ingredients to making a raw vegan bread result with a spongy texture. Both are filled with fibers that thicken up once soaked with water. This aerates a mixture and gives raw vegan bread fluffiness to the likeness of traditionally baked bread that contains gluten and yeast.

Ingredient Onion Flax Bread

Nuts/Seeds Walnuts and sunflower seeds are used in this recipe to create fattiness and depth of flavor. Nuts and seeds provide a savory taste to recipes that lend exceptionally well to a savory raw vegan bread. Fat is an essential component of traditional cooking methods for creating flavor profiles and is no exception when it comes to “uncooking” with raw foods.


Dried Herbs As an Italian, herbs are a way of life. Transform even the simplest of recipes with a few basic herbs for an elevated treat. We used dried rosemary, thyme, basil, and oregano for this raw vegan bread to create a flavor that was close to something you’d get from a fresh bakery.

Buckwheat. If you can’t find buckwheat or don’t already have groats waiting in your pantry for you to use them, regular raw rolled oats would work fine. Just make sure they are soaked and soft in the same way before using them to get the same texture.

Raw Seed Keto Crackers Bread

Psyllium Husk. This ingredient